Just Before My Eyes

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It was always hard for me to imagine someone or something that shifts into another thing. the bones shifting and cracking, it's just not something I've ever enjoyed hearing, let alone the thought of it happening. But oddly enough, I soon got to witness it for the first time.

It started with just a, bring your kid to work day. Y'see my dad is a scientist and does experiments on human beings, well government tests on genetics and so far done pretty well. NO Zombies thank god. Yet they still mix and match animal DNA with humans. Anyway I was going with my dad to a test shift. That's what everyone who works there call a test run. So we made our way down a couple flights of stairs and through classified, locked doors, to get to the big test room. It was actually pretty big. Open space and tall ceilings. 

Plenty of room for mistakes. My father has told me of mistakes and how they could happen. I frankly don't want to see one. At all. 

"Dad, what do you do if there is a mistake? One you can't contain or handle?", He took a couple of minutes to respond while others were getting everything ready for containment if needed, at least that's what I assumed the trank gun was for. " Well we haven't had that happen just yet..." he spoke as though he was scared, almost shaky, as if he saw ghost. "So that's a no then?", I asked him quietly. He nodded his head then left my side to help his fellow scientists. I wondered around the observation room and gazed at the tools they use and their tech. for this whole procedure. But it still made me feel uneasy that they had such a big trank gun. Some of the armored men actually had big guns. Was this patient trouble once already?

Then dad told me to sit where I could see everything, honestly I hated it, my spot anyway. Soon then the lights began to dim just a bit, leaving the test room bright and illuminated. A door opened at the side of the room and in came the subject and a few scientists. My dad announces the subjects name and number, as well as sex, " Subject 0442, JJ Moht, Transgender Male. Test number 2.", I had no idea this was his second trial. 

JJ looked exactly in my direction then away, almost like he knew me some how, but I have no recollection of his name in my memories. They then set him in the middle of the room, gave a nod, than gave him a shot. As soon as the needle left his arm they quickly scurried out of said room. JJ stood calm with no facial expression. This caused my father to speak to him. "JJ, if you would please?" 

He nodded, rolling his eyes. he started to take off his shirt revealing his transitioning scars and his built structure. Me being an exploring dork began to flush just at the sight of his muscled body, causing me to sink into my seat embarrassed. He turned his head just enough to make eye contact with me, and only me, with a smirk slowly growing on his well shaped face. I started to squirm just a bit under his gaze, making his smirk grow even larger in size. JJ then turned away and after a good minute or so, his muscles started shift and his bones started to mold into something entirely different from his normal human form. His hair started to turn a darker shade of earth brown, as well as growing in length.

The men around me started to jot down notes of what was happening before them. All I could do in response to these actions were squirm. The sound of bones clashing against bones and groan of pain or hurt started to fill my ears. I hated all of it. It made me want to cry and run away. Not even a second after my thought the men with guns began to lock and load what they had as ammunition, fire power and sleeping drugs. I wanted to leave even more than I did before than. 

The room was silent. The subject was no where to be seen and the lights suddenly came on. "Where....Where did it go?...", Were the first words to be said after the realization JJ was gone. In immediate succession to those words the glass separating us from the test shattered and sprayed across the room, and the people in it. A second later I was lifted out of my seat, feeling somehow....Safe. I was able to regain sight after the jilt and saw who had me. Not my father or a gunman, no, it was JJ. The subject, the test subject turned into a creature of unknown features, had a hold of me and I felt SAFE. My nerves began to work for me before I even know why I was nervous, but he sensed it somehow. All the while this is happening, the gunman scrambled to their feet and just weren't sure what to do with themselves. 

"Do we shoot them both..?", The main captain of the squad, I assume, spoke terrified of the situation. "Of course not you idiots! that's my son he has!", Dad yelled as he grabbed the tip of the mans gun and shoved it away from us, to the ground. 

I turned to JJ who didn't even look as he did before the shift, in a way it sort of put me in a trance. the way his eye color changed and accommodated with the amount of light in the room was... well... hypnotizing. I was lost in this man, no, this creatures eyes. 

"Don't worry Mr. Moht, I won't hurt your pretty son... but I am taking him with me."  By the end of his sentence I was on the verge of blacking out from the sudden lift off we took. All I could hear just before my world turned black was my father screaming my name. 

I awoke to warmth on one side of my body and freezing cold on the other. I turned and nuzzled closer to the source of heat, feeling a rumble come from the source. "Your safe, don't worry..." a deep voice replied my immediate panic. Lifting my head up and opening my eyes, I saw JJ. Our eyes met and broke away as fast as the meet, but I started to inspect his features. sharp jawline and long hair framed his face. Dark eyes staring into my curious ones. 

My hand moved from where it once was to slide along his jaw, before I could even know what I was doing with it. JJ leaned into the touch and sighed with content. It was like he had never been shown a bit of affection or care. That last thought jerked me to reality and reminded me who I was with, also making me think of where I was, oh god... what about my dad? Before I knew it I was in a jumbled panic with no words but a scrunched expression. "You are okay. You are safe here." was all JJ came up with and I gave the response,"Where is here?! I don't know where I am and my dad has no clue either! I am confused as to why you took me and why I'm here with a creature of the unknown!" 

uh oh..... Do I have a death wish?!? No this is totally okay, just yell at your capter and don't think twice way to go- "I haven't been able to explain yet because of your panic and concern.", We sat in silence for a good while until I broke the silence. 

"Then explain."

"I took you because I knew you wouldn't shun me as other people do. they learn of what I was and what I am now, then run or shoot. I don't mean to cause trouble or pain or even fear. It just happens..." he slowly stopped but picked up a minute after, " I only wanted out. away from the pain and torture. they made me this way, they took my life from me..... You are in a warehouse in the south. This is where I lived when they began testing on me." 

"I.... I.... I'm so sorry JJ....."

"I mean I don't even know your name, but I just felt like you- you were gonna be the one to help me...I'm sorry..."   

well now how could i dislike him? He's sort of like a sad puppy, or a kicked puppy. I leaned closer to him from both being cold and wanting to comfort him. he pulled me close and within a few minutes we got comfortable. 

"My name is Cole. And you chose the right person to steal.." I couldn't help but chuckle at the end of my sentence. He joined the little laughter there was. We did a joke introduction and laughed, shared our life stories while watching the night sky, then got even more comfortable to sleep. I cuddled as close as I could to JJ for him being my only source of heat, but also because of the safety. He leaned down and kissed my forehead, whispering goodnight. 

I looked him in the eyes once more and leaned up to him connecting our lips for only a few precious seconds, then resting my head against his chest, closing my eyes. Setting a mental reminder to fight my dad about JJ Moht being a free man, and hopefully my man. 

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