quiet party

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Parties were never something Elliot enjoyed. Not even his own birthday party was that exciting to him, in fact he didn't like all the screaming and action going on around him. To him it was hell. He was aware of what the devil would torture him with and wasn't or isn't ready for death because of that.

No, Elliot likes quiet places and books. He reads up to two books a day, the said books are up to seven hundred pages. Or more.

Him reading so much he would finish the class books and already have most of it memorized. Poor Elliot has a photographic memory. He likes it though, and uses it to his complete advantage. He would ask for the whole weeks assignments and then do it all within two days.

He is the top of his class and is being forced to sign up for tutoring. No, not for him, no, for the idiots within his and other classes. Or just kid that just aren't getting it.

His morning routine was always sleeping in. His mom goes to work later in the day and drives him to school when he actually has class. Elliot has an altered schedule to match his smarts. He only has three periods a day. The school was convenient enough to make it all mostly in the noon time range. That is hard for them to do. But they made it work for him.

Elliot has now been walking for two whole minutes making his way to the school library. Today would make it his fifth day as a tutor. The teachers are supposed to write updates for the kids he's working with and most have been good ones.

But today was going to be different. Today, Elliot was going to only tutor one kid and a new kid for him. He knew all to well who he was gonna teach but it was still new to him.

He walked into the library with just a few minutes to spear. Elliot was for sure going to read while waiting for the kid to show up. He leaned down reaching into his bag for his favorite book. His favorite book, from his favorite series. Harry Poter.

Minutes pasted. Than an hour. Elliot had decided, he had better things to do than wait for the oaf. He began to pack his things when the library door bursted open with huge males loudly laughing their way in.

For goodness sake, Elliot thought with irritation bubbling up, don't they know this is a library?

All of them found the table he was sitting at and sat down around him. Already he was pissed off. Elliot knew this was because of the guy he had to tutor today. Mostly because he was sitting directly across from him. How cliche of him.

"So, I was thinking you can tutor me at my house... aaand I'll give you a ride home after, hm?" The boy spoke with a stupid smirk plastered on his face. Elliot never did house sessions. That made things to personal, and he didn't do it unless there was money involved. Sounds selfish, yes, but the kid was poor and needed the money.

The boy awaited Elliots answer with the other mumbling stupid little words and such into his ears. One that was sure to be his closest friends said something and his dumb smirk grew wider. All the while still staring right at Elliot.

He thought some more and then opened his mouth. "I don't do house sessions, not unless you can pay me upfront. And if I am to tutor your dumb ass, then don't be late or bring your friends."

He looked dumbfounded at what Elliot had to say. Another boy decided to pipe in his own opinoin, "look here, twink, Mason doesn't need to pay for your smarts and it shouldn't matter of we'er here or not." The other added a "yeah!" And "that's right!" Every once in a while.

Elliot have them a look of confusion then irritation. He then proceeded to pull out paper work for anything about tutoring. The school made papers about it. Saying if the tutor does a session at home then the tutor will be paid. Half will go to the school and the rest to the student. He shoved the papers to Mason and started to grab his things. Than looked at them one last time, and then left.

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