The guardians and Jack's memories (edited)

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Jack's POV

I landed in the town and greeted everyone with a warm "Hello" before kneeling infront of a child asking "Hey, could you tell me where I am?" The child walked through me and a blue light glowed lining where he walked through me.

I stood up and several more walked through me, so I quickly flew to a rooftop. I noticed a large man walking through the crowd, everyone greeted him, calling him stoik.

They were asking how someone was, someone named Hiccup. The man and his name was familiar, so was the name Hiccup.

While wondering, something moved along the rooftops, it looked like some sort of mutant bunny, part human part rabbit. It walked and moved like a human, but it looked like a giant rabbit.

It walked over saying "who are you? and why can't they see you? are you one of us?" in a Australian accent.

I raised my stick, pointing it at him. "Apparently I'm Jack Frost, I don't know why they can't see me, or what you are" I said, backing up slightly.

"Do you have anything to do with the moon?" he replied.

"I don't know, it told me my name, and something to look for" I said just as a flying woman hovered over.

"Jack Overland, this is Bunnymund, the easter bunny. I am Toothiana, the tooth fairy, we are guardians, you have become the spirit of winter." She said pointing at Bunnymund before putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Jack Overland? He just said his name was Jack Frost!" Bunnymund argued. "His last name was Overland, the moon knows something about it, so he changed it." Toothiana replied looking at it.

"How do you know so much about me?" I said looking into her eyes. "I'm friends with Cupid, the spirit of love. She showed me your life with Hiccup, the love of your life." she replied glancing at the crowd.

She handed me a cylinder box, with a picture of a boy with brown hair and brown eyes on one end. "These are your teeth, which hold your memories in them, this was you before you died." She said pointing to the picture. I grabbed a lock of my hair and pulled it infront of my eyes, it was white!

"What colour are my eyes? Have thy changed too?" I said looking at my pale white skin.

"Baby blue, they are pretty!" Tooth said getting all giddy. her feathers that covered her body ruffled as a strong wind picked up.

"It's North!" Bunny said pointing at the sleigh that was pulled by eight reindeer. North landed in a field surrounded by trees blocking it from human eyes.

"Tooth! Bunny! Who's this?" North said with his strong russian accent as we walked over. There was a little golden man with spikey hair in the sleigh with the large man with a beard who was called North.

"Sandy! So glad you could be here to meet Jack Overland, the first of the Big Four!!" Tooth said getting a little fangirly.

"Big Four? What's that?" I said turning to Tooth.

Sandy made some weird picture with sand over his head.

"I'm sorry that's not helping little buddy, thanks for trying though." I said frowning slightly.

"What he tried to say was that you and three others are a group who are spirits of certain elements and seasons, you are the spirit of winter and ice, another will be the spirit of summer and fire, another will be autumn and colours, and the last will be spring and life." North said stepping out of his sleigh.

"How do you all know so much and I know anything?! Huh?! Why didn't anyone tell me that Manny chose another group?!" Bunny said pouting.

"Where are the others then?" I said ignoring him.

"One will be in Scotland, another will be in a tower in a forest, the forest's whereabouts are unknown, and the other is right here in Berk, your old home." North said scratching the back of his head.

"Don't tell me it's Hiccup, he's not dead, he'd have to die before Manny can do anything" Tooth said rubbing her brow.

"I actually think it is, because he said to look for my loved one, and Tooth said I loved him, and now this stuff about a group" I said, sitting on the floor putting my knees up to my chest.

Tooth kneeled down next to me and put her hand on my back and rubbed it gently. I winced.

"Apparently I still feel pain even though I'm dead" I muttered. "Oh, sorry, that's most probably the whip marks and burns... oops!! I wasn't supposed to mention that!!" Tooth said before putting her hands on her mouth covering it. "What?? Whip marks? Burns?" I said getting up. "I don't know how to tell you this, but your dad used to torture you, thinking he could change something so strong as love. He wanted you to be straight, but thankfully you couldn't change, otherwise you wouldn't have fallen in love with Hiccup, your whole life revolved around him" Tooth said, her feathers ruffled at her words.

"Show him his memories Tooth" Bunny said smiling then he tapped the ground with his foot before a hole appeared there, he jumped in.

"Wow, I don't think I have ever seen him smile!!" North said before getting back on the sleigh.

Sandy made his sand form a little plane, before hopping in and flying off.

"Here, Jack" Tooth said handing me the box again and gently held my other hand before placing three of my fingers on the centre of the patern on the top.

Shapes appeared across my vision and I saw my past, my memories.

A boy with brown hair and green eyes ran across a field, a large black dragon was bounding after him, I was in a tree watching the scene, a little daisy was in my hand, "Jack! Come on!! Let's go swimming! I know a great place!" He said patting the dragon on it's head, making it purr. We flew across the sky, watching the sun set. It was then that I realised my feelings for him as we glided across the almost perfect sky.

The next memory was the day that he confessed his love to me. That was my favourite memory, the memory that told me to keep going, not to give up.

The last memory was When we had our picture taken. Me and Hiccup were standing next to each other and Toothless was sitting behind us, his adorable toothless smile was spread across his face.


When the picture was taken, Toothless wrapped himself around Hiccup and licked him, Hiccup wiped his slobbery cheek on my sleeve, he looked so adorable.

I'm Sorry (Jack FrostXHiccup) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now