Seeing Hiccup and His major change and Toothless can see me!!!!!!

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Jack's POV

The memories faded and I saw Tooth scanning the crowd. "What is it, Tooth?" I said, making her whizz round."Oh, Jack. You startled me! I Thought I just saw Hiccup" She said frowning. "What?! Where?!" I blurted as I stumbled over. I nearly fell off the roof as I scanned the crowd. "There, is that him?" She said pointing to a 18 year old boy sitting on a Window ledge. He had bags under his eyes, stating that he hasn't slept in a while, brown greasy hair, and dull green eyes. "Oh no, Hiccup, what did you do to yourself?" I said before the wind lifted me up and I floated over to him. He was as pale as a ghost and so skinny you could see each and every one of his bones. I floated closer. SCREEEAACHHH!!!!  BAMMM!!!! I fell out of the sky as something big hit me. I landed on the floor before glacing up. It was Toothless!! He could even see me!!! 'Jack?? Is that you?' Someone said as Toothless stalked over, cocking his head. I glanced round, searching for the owner of this voice. 'It's me, Toothless!! Wait, you can hear me?' The voice said as Toothless jumped ontop of me, licking every inch of my face before getting up, he cocked his head in question. "Yes, I can. It's nice to see you too bud." I said getting up.'Wait, didn't you die?!' He said backing up slightly."Yes, but I need your help, one, what happened to my dragon rider, two, I need him to see me, because no other living people other than you can see me." I said glacing at Hiccup before looking into Toothless' eyes. He nodded before saluting.'He has stopped eating, sleeping, riding and inventing. He started smoking, taking drugs and alcohol. He doesn't leave his room, and all he does is sit on the window or draw you. His room is lined with drawings of you, sometimes coloured, shaded or pencil lines.' He said looking sad. I nodded before saluting him a goodbye. This was going to be harder than it looked.

I'm Sorry (Jack FrostXHiccup) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now