really mad

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author's note: before I start this chapter I must.... promote? I think that's the word for it but yeah, read "Please Don't Judge Me" by RhiannonJones31, so go now and read it! I know there must be spelling and grammar mistakes, but please don't go overboard with telling them. I hope you understand my veiws on this, because it has started little "internet wars" as I tend to call them. So "Librarify" their book and be positive in your comments, please. It's not much to ask, so please take care in what you say to people, not just in mine and RhiannonJones31's stories, everyone elses and in the real world too!

I am Bajja912, and this has been "Bajjarific" to have fans like you!!

Jack's POV

I soared through the sky, tears slipping out before instantly freezing on my icy skin. I landed near my own house before climbing the wooden fence that covered the side of the old house. I lifted my body in through the wide window into my room. My old room..... I rushed to my bed before collapsing on the dusty quilt. "Hic!!!!!! I'm sorry!!!!! I didn't want this to happen....... it's all my fault........" I sobbed, tears gushing out before freezing as they slipped down my cheeks. I slowly stood up before crawling to a loose floorboard that covered my most treasured memories.... in the form of photos and diary entries. I  lifted the wooden plank before gently lifting a box out. I lifted the lid before crying even more at what I saw. Photos of me and Hiccup.... back when we were inseperable friends. One was of me Hic and Toothless, the day I saw in the memory. Toothless' toothless grin..... the slobbery kiss he gave Hic.... Hic's adorable slobbered on form....... All these things from one photo...... I stood up and grabbed the blue-tack from my drawer before sticking the pictures up along my walls. I dropped to my knees and sobbed. Hiccup was gone.... he could only come back if he believed.... if he believed in me...... I stood up and started kicking the furniture over in rage. He wouldn't believe..... he won't believe....... never...... never coming back........ I threw everything around, starting with the lighter stuff like chairs, but then threw the wardrobe across the room, all the way across. This time I was really mad. Only Hiccup could calm me down if I'm like this..... but he's gone......

author's note: sorry it's so short but it's all I've got right now...... uuurghhggh!!!!! my brain is really mean...... it won't let me write right after an exam....... noooooooooooo!!!!!!!! bye.... :'(   :3

I'm Sorry (Jack FrostXHiccup) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now