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What the hell is happening?

The cloud of smoke circled at my feet, slowly going up to engulf me. The stinging cold it gave off freezed my body and the skin of my leg felt numb and paralyzed, but not my mind...

I quickly shook my legs and stomped them hard to relieve the numbness. Then, I moved my leg into fast and sharp circles, twirling the smoke around them in a violent speed. It spinned and rised in a tornado like form, obviously trying to recover from the washing machine spin I gave it. I took my chance, never waiting for it to recover, my hand found its way to the eye of the black storm and gripped it. The sting got worse but my mind blocked it first, letting me concentrate on the tangible groove I was grasping. With one swift movement, I used all my strength and slammed it to the ground.

It dismembered at my feet. But that did not help me control my breathing. My heart was still in a frenzy.

"shhhh... It's OK... " Chase's form came out of the view and I desperately clung onto him for strength. "That's just training smoke"

I lifted my arm to see the burn marks the smoke left me. Non, there was none. He's telling me the truth. Then I remembered the fact that training smoke will make you forget recent memories and informations, and will make you believe it's real. Whoever made training smoke is a fudging sadistic genius.

"You never fail to amaze me, Iris, it's only been a month and you're already kicking dark smoking ass! " his grin widening

"hey! the vulgar language "

"hehehehe Sorry, I'm not just in my teacher personality today " he disheveled my messy bed hair "come on, let's go to school. "

I looked at the faint light going through the window pane. It's morning and Chase over here woke me up in such an unconventional way.

I hopped in the bath and prepared for another day.

"Hey Iris " My parents greeted me as we got in our car.

"good muuurrrrnninng! " I said in my most cheerful voice.

They looked at me suddenly "Wow "

I raised my brows confused "wow what? "

"I don't know, you have this different aura with you in the past few weeks." Dad crinkled his forehead amusingly "it's brighter and fresher. You've changed... well, for the better. "

"Well, it feels good. Everyone should try shaking the negativity away from their systems."

"Double woah, honey Irie " Mom used her pet name for me "Our pessimistic daughter has changed! I love it!.Continue that. "

I gave them my widest smile then grabbed a container full of nuts out my bag and shoved each of them in my mouth. Nuts are the next thing in my favorites list next to Oreos and Buffalo wings...

My mom's giggles distracted me from fangirling over food "hmm.. I wonder why Irie baby is blooming... maybe she already has a boyfriend!" she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively at me while I just laughed

"Mom! no! no one would dare to wahahahaha " I popped more pistachios into my mouth "I'm still the school's weirdest girl. Nothing changed. I just changed how I think of it that's why I'm already like this. No boys included... "

well, okay, except Chase and Edward... especially Chase...

"hmmm? " my mom hummed "OK! I believe you! Just don't be shy to tell us when there is already someone so that me and Dad can do a background check! "

"Mom! stop! seriously? " I was chuckling my lung out "Dad? would you.guys really do that "

he shrugged while laughing with us "well, do I have another choice? "

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