chapter 21

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Niall P.O.V

"Eleanor wants us to go see her, so she said to use her curling iron." Louis hands Charlotte a curling iron.

"Okay," Charlotte says while going into the bathroom.

"What took you guys so long to answer the door?" Louis asks while wiggling his eyebrows.

"Nothing happened. Nothing ever happens. Charlotte is determined to drive me crazy."

"Niall she is a good girl, but isn't a prude. She would have sex with you if she knew it meant something to you." I think Louis is the biggest fan of Charlotte and I getting together.

"But it doesn't and I refuse to lie to her. Quit trying to push us together. It will never happen." I shouldn't say never.

"If only you saw how you act around her." Louis is wrong, isn't he?

"Are you guys ready to go?" I hear Charlotte's quiet voice. I'm sure she heard our conversation. Good thing I didn't say anything mean.

"Yeah let's go." I jump off the bed and they both follow me. Once we get down in the lobby I turn to Louis, "should we walk or do we need a taxi?"

"We can walk. It's only a few miles away. Are you wearing your walking shoes?" Louis turns to Charlotte and She nods.

As we walk Louis keeps me entertained. There is never a dull moment with him. Charlotte is walking in front of us and I try really hard to not focus on her arse. Louis catches me a few times staring. Thankfully he doesn't tell Charlotte about it. I soon notice all the men walking past her who are staring at her. A couple of them whistle, some say hi, and others just stare. I get annoyed by it eventually and pull her back to walk between Louis and I. I grab her hand, so these men will leave her alone.

"You aren't a fucking animal. It's absolutely absurd how disrespectful these guys are." I pull her a little closer to me and she starts laughing.

"Why do you care so much? You basically do the same thing." Charlotte points out and I get more annoyed.

"It's not the same." I snap at her and immediately regret it. I'm trying to make this a fun trip so she will forget that terrible party.

"Are you coming with us to the presentation tomorrow?" I'm glad Louis is here to keep Charlotte sane.

"Am I allowed to?" Charlotte looks at me and I nod my head. She will probably like it since she is starting med school in the fall.

"Then yes I will come! What time is it at?" She sounds excited which is reassuring.

"It starts at ten a.m, but we will need to be a half hour early to set up." Louis explains. She nods probably relieved that I won't be waking her up too early.

"Are we almost to Eleanor's studio? This is taking forever." I ask tired of all the attention Charlotte is still getting.

"Yeah. It's a couple buildings down." Louis waves his hand at the building we want.


Charlotte P.O.V

Walking into Eleanor's photo shoot was unreal. There were so many people running around, it was a mad house. Eleanor walked on to the set like she owned the place. It was amazing to watch. She sees us and runs and jumps into Louis' arms. It was cute to watch, but I felt the need to look away to give them their privacy. I look over at Niall and he is smiling at them, but it doesn't reach his eyes.

"Eleanor we only have a couple more shots left. You can hug your boyfriend later." Some man said and then looks at me and asks, "Are you a model?" I shake my head no and he continues talking. "Well you should be. Eleanor take her to your agency. I would love to shoot her."

Different From The Rest (Niall Horan AU mature)Where stories live. Discover now