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Hey to all of you with updates turned on to Me Too. Thank you so much!

This book is under major editing and reconstruction. I will send out a message when I have finished. Follow me to stay in the loop about this transition. A lot is changing.

I have a disclaimer on this work as it may contain scenes intense for some and inappropriate for others. This isn't meant to be a children's book. The message at the end of the day is for an older audience, but I write using characters known to a younger crowd. Sorry. I can't please everyone. This story has an important theme, so please share and support it!

Me too is a movement from an online tag for people who have been through rape or sexual abuse or assault (I use phrases such as rape and assault interchangeably, though they aren't exactly the same thing, I apologise.) When I came across this- a support community for people like me- I was initially angry.

It struck me when I knew there were so many people going through it. And, it made my life feel dark. Things seemed so consumed with evil because I knew others were suffering trauma like I had, in many different forms. Some worse than my own experiences. And that thought dominated me, I could find myself aching for people- bright and beautiful people- that I didn't know. This tag fueled me into a rage of zealous emotions ranging from anger to pain to, somehow, happiness and contentment, and I took to paper to get thoughts out of my head.

This work may be triggering, because there are themes of rape and assault. That is the base of this story. It is a thought to consider that the material is vulgar and some scenes have implied, or full on, sexual encounters, written quite graphically.

I won't be putting warnings on the chapters if they involve sexual themes (consenual or not), or vulgar language. I leave you to your own discretion.

I tried to appeal to everyone, and it takes some open minded readers to make this story come alive. Please support the work I've put in, as Me Too was not an easy project for me to piece together and complete.

If at any point you have feedback, feel free to let me know. I welcome all thoughts you have in the comments or by direct message.

Me Too, like my other works, has rough spots and unpolished parts that my nit picky editing rampages have still missed. Things aren't always perfectly worded because English isn't my first language. I put in a lot of time and thought to create this and I am accepting of any feedback I can get. Positive or negative. Hit me with all you've got. You won't hurt my feelings, you will be helping me become a better writer.

This is my first book on rape, I'd like to keep adding stories with the me too tag because personally it means a lot to me and to those who are close to me- who I would like to thank for helping me to create this story. I do not care to write nightmarish horrible books that are sickening to read, but rather I want to follow the journeys of men and women who have survived this trial.

If you like this version, I am hoping to write other stories like it. I want to do some original work in my future as a writer, and try to write more about this theme with genuinely fictictional characters. If you would be interested in reading an original (non fan fiction) version of this book or any other book, let me know, I'd be happy to take the journey with a character of my own. I hope you enjoy Me Too and look for my upcoming works.

There is a Spanish translation of this story over on @EmiJT12 page, or at https://my.w.tt/6ubt4nYr3K if you would rather read an adaptation of Me Too. (This is not up to date with some major editing changes, it may look unfamiliar in places.)

If you would like to support my work or the community I am reaching out to, share this to your friends and add your written support by commenting "me too".

A reality note: I do not believe any of these real people are as I've written them to be. I'd like to think the lives of these actors and actresses are better than what I've illustrated them to be. I do not insinuate that any of this is real. I would like to add that I am an avid fan of Ryan McCartan's, and I would like to hold onto the thought that he is actually a lot better of a man than what I've drawn him out to be.

All of this is a work of fiction inspired by my life stories, the experiences of those closest to me, and some spots are based off of the hints these real people have given through their social medias or in interviews- which to my knowledge can be candid stories or they can be scripted. The truth is that we never know what is genuinely going on in anyone's life- not even those we are closest to in our daily life or the people we admire on television screens. We don't know.

Well, I hope you enjoy Me Too!

Thanks guys!

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