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Sofia got out and her heels clicked against the black top as she came around the hood of the car. I collected my phone, her clutch and mine, and I got out when she grabbed my door. I pecked her proud smile, and lost my balance as soon as I did so.

I handed her her things and I regained my composure. My nerves were piqued already, maybe I'll survive tonight without turning into an anxious mess. It feels like the event I went to the night after Ryan assaulted me the first time. I couldn't barely breathe in my dress, I couldn't keep my focus, I couldn't look at anyone. It was miserable. But this is in a good way. I'm panicked because I'm so excited.

Anxiety is just another form of excitement.

Right? I can do this?

Sofia offered me her hand, and between my lightheadedness and my rambling thoughts, I reached for her. "Are you going to be okay this time?" she asked, taking a small step.

"Yes. Let's go inside please," I mumble, my lips are too heavily coated in red to turn blue, but trust me, they're blue. February, it is February. This is California and I swear to God there is ice under my feet. That or I'm just awfully uncoordinated.

She started off towards the building. The reserved parking was filled, not to mention the public parking was packed. We would be waiting for our table, we told Cameron to meet us at six, it was almost five thirty. Cameron told me where he was, but I didn't tell Sofia. She could live a night without worrying about anyone else's problems.

Sofia let go of my hand to get the door. "Thanks," I blubered, stepping inside. I was graceful enough to not run into the older man standing right inside the door. "Excuse me." I slide between him and stand off to the side of the line.

Sofia met me. She looked around. "Are there enough people?"

"No. I don't think so." I brush my hair over my shoulders. I'll take my jacket off when this aesthetic sauna becomes warm enough to melt the ice from my legs. It's not proper, but I'm freezing.

"Maybe we should stay out of people's ways," Sofia whispered to me, stepping back even farther, creating a large space between her and the line. Leaving me in the center of the masonry architecture arch and red and gold carpet.

I come over to her, putting my body against her core. Had any of my skin touched hers, she would have broken into a mocking laugh. She stood with her hands at her sides. I want to push her comfort, but I don't want to throw her into a break down. I step to her side and I wait next to her. I don't touch her, I don't try to, but as more and more well dressed patrons entered, I had to. There wasn't enough space for all eighty seven people in the lobby.

Finally, at the strike of six twenty, Sofia put her arm around my shoulder and pulled me into her chest. She kissed my temple and rubbed my arm. "Do you want to take your jacket off yet?"

I nod. With a woman behind me and another set of men to my side, I'd have nudged them had I moved. Sofia unzipped the front from behind me and she shed it from my shoulders, grazing my leg with the sleeve as she brought it to her possession and she held it for me. She let me back into her hold and I closed my eyes, resting my head back against her chest.

I didn't need to look around to know there was only one pair of eyes on us. Everyone else was enjoying their dinners, their dates or meetings. The eyes I met when I pryed mine open were green, they were round, and they luckily haven't met Sofia's.

Sofia kissed my blonde roots and she started walking straight towards Sabrina and her date with me under her arm. I prayed Sabrina didn't draw attention. The slightest cough, mumble, or wave would ruin our date. My girlfriend has assured me a million times how she feels about Sabrina, but, God, just her being here makes me anxious. One nice dinner was all I wanted!

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