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Sofia didn't mention any word of anything the next morning. It was like amnesia, she dismissed the matter completely. The entire car ride and two am meltdown, she didn't acknowledge any of it. To her, it never happened- so why can't I let it go? I'm so humiliated.

She let me sleep in while she packed our things, which I was grateful for. I listened as she zipped and unzipped every compartment of our bags, trying to miraculously fit everything back in the way we had originally stored our things- nothing ever fits back in at the end of a trip. Unfortnuately, I knew something inevitable was going to happen if I didn't warn her. And, still, I was too late. Her gasp told me she found the bag I had packed.

I forgot to throw it out the window when we got here. Well, damn it. But, oddly, she didn't say anything, or nudge me, nothing. She left it as was, and moved on.

As I opened my numb eyes, I watched her crawl around on the floor on her hands and knees. My head was still glued to the pillow, but I broke a smile that I quickly hid in the fabric, also concealing a little giggle. Sofia is so cute, Lord, I'm lucky.

Sofia looked over her shoulder, smiling weakly as she set her dress in her bag. Everything in her mischievous eyes told me she had everything planned to a T when she was packing to come out here- well, everything except for me completely having a meltdown. I'm so mad at myself, I could put a bullet between my teeth, God damn, why did I do that?

My girlfriend stood up, already dressed in a turtle neck, and she came to my side. "Good morning." She knelt on the edge of the bed and pressed a kiss to my temple. She picked up a cup from the nightstand to show it to me. "I had to settle for the hotel's coffee rather than Starbucks, but it is hot and ready when you want it." She set it back down in the condensate ring on the wood.

I sat up groggily, running my finger below my crusted eye. "Thank you."

"No problem." She shuffled back over to her things. Her wedges scratched the carpet and made the hair on my arms raise as she got back to work. "So, I got most of your stuff put away. I didn't know what you wanted to wear on the flight home, so I left some things out, but we need to be out of here soon."

"Okay." I double over, yawning. I watch as she kneels on the ground and bends over to collect my mess of clothes. I try not to stare when she does things like this, but how do I not? If that makes me a sexual pig, then so be it. I appreciate how well my girlfriend takes care of herself, and I love her body as much as I love her spirit. Sue me, in love everything about her. "Hey, Sofia?"


I sigh, admiring her. "I love you."

Sofia mumbled to herself as she stood up to come back to me. She set her fingers under my chin and lifted my head to press her lips to mine. She put another kiss to my cheek as she sat down in front of me. "Don't worry about last night, or yesterday at all for that matter. You don't have to act like you're shy now. Okay? I loved you last Wednesday, I loved you yesterday, and I love you today. Nothing is going to change that. Don't apologize, don't even think about it again. Please. It's alright."

She had spent no time apologising for her break down when she was sick. She probably doesn't remember it. I can't recall half of what I said to her this morning either, but I feel more embarrassed not knowing what I told her. I'm such an idiot.

I look down, closing my eyes. "I really do love you."

She kissed the top of my head, getting up. "I love you too."

"I freaked out yesterday because of something that happened a while ago," I say.

Sofia hummed, setting clothes at the foot of the bed for me to change into. "Yeah? Do you want to talk about it?"

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