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There was silence in bed when I woke up the next morning. At the foot of our bed, I laid, culed into myself left in my underwear with a blanket draped over myself. The heater made the air stale, but I could smell Sofia's perfume in her hair. Her head was bowed into my chest below my chin, the rest of her tucked in a ball, her knees by my pelvis. She had writhed into this position early, early this morning when the soreness took its toll. Luckily, she is strong enough to ignore the ache, the burn, and the scratches, she has barely moved since the day changed.

I kissed her head, her tangled hair was corrosive against my chin and lips. She wasn't asleep, she was faintly drawing circles on my exposed collarbone with her nail, her body pushed against my breasts. Don't enjoy this, my brain told me, shes going to tell you how much pain you caused her. I wish I could tell her I was sorry, but I know she's never going to forgive me. I played with the ends of her hair, petting her bare back. I felt her spine all the way down without once feeling her bra or her underwear. Sofia is completely exposed to me, how can she trust me? I hurt her.

I don't deserve to wake up with her every morning, but I love when her beautiful face is the first thing that I open my eyes to. "Good morning."

She had heavy eyes and a cracked voice, but she still smiled. Taking a deep breath as she straightened herself flat, goosebumps took over her entire body. "What time is it?"

"Probably seven," I guess. I feel her prominent ribs with my fingers as I hook my arm around her, rolling onto her exposed body. The blanket hid what I could feel. "How did you sleep?"

Sofia brushed my cascading blonde back behind my shoulder. "I slept well, did you?"

I nod. My voice was scratchy, my throat sore.

Her fingers traced the permanent hickies she left on my neck. I was yet to see the claw marks on my back or the love bites on my shoulders. These were given with so much more passion than Ryan's, and I appreciated these being given to me. Sofia has just one hicky on her neck, the others have already faded into her golden skin. Mine would last days.

Sofia yawned, pulling herself from me. "I've got work at ten, I'd better get ready."

"I have a photo shoot at three," I mumble, rubbing my eye, "and Cam probably wants us to stop by sometime today."

"Yeah." She sits up, holding the blanket to her chest. All of those marks down to her boobs, I can't believe I did that to her. She put her arm around me and pulled my shoulder to hers. The sheet scratched my collarbone as she pressed a delicate kiss to my lips. She whispered to the crook of my neck once she let go, "I'm going to shower."

I smirk, I'm not awake enough to tease her, but she still blushed when she looked back at me. She couldn't meet my eye. The bruises on my neck were the only thing that caught her eye. The blue and purple painted the scene she thought she had dreamt. Her thick, colourless lips surrendered beneath her teeth as she looked around the room to collect more memory. She saw her pants on the floor, saw my dress and her panties, our shoes and one of my earrings. There was not a moment's hesitation after seeing what she had done. She got up spryly and ran to the bathroom, unintentionally slamming the door to hide herself from me.

I waited to hear the shower water, and when she began humming under scalding water, I got up from the bed. I covered myself with the blanket she once clentched, holding a knot of it in my hand as I gathered my dress, bra, and shoes. I made my way to my room to get dressed for today.

I don't know how I am going to cover these marks.

My mind pictures last night in a single flashback as I stand before my closet with white folding doors. Her touch, the euphoria, the importance of it all is all I can think of. I've never been so pleased to think about such things. It brought a smile to my face.

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