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Sofia gave me a kiss goodbye and she left our hotel room. Not a second passed before my phone rang on the bed we were cuddling on. I wish she was still here.

I grabbed my phone and put it to my ear before I could check the number. "This is Dove."

"Hey, Dove," Cameron said.

"Oh, hi! What's up?" I knelt on the bed and laid on my stomach across the foot of the unmade bedding, my head dangling. The pressure in my head increases and it dazed me until he finally spoke again and snapped me back.

"God, I'm stupid," he mumbled to himself. "I forgot things were rough, but, look, I was hoping you knew where Sofia was. I've been trying to call her for the last hour." No. He wasn't. Her phone didn't buzz once while we were laying there, for a first.

"Um, I don't have a clue. I can't imagine why she'd dismiss your call. What are you looking for her for?" I ask.

"Her phone was probably on silent. Well, I just need her because she's my friend, and you're my friend. And I need some help." Sofia would win Cameron in a break up, and she'd probably take Thomas too- because why would he want me? Why does anybody deal with me? Answer: they tolerate me because I hang around and just exsist beside them; Thomas and Cameron don't actually want me around. I'd be alone if Sofia and I actually broke up. Great to know!

"What kind of help? I'm in New York; I left LA yesterday, I can't bail you out of jail from here."

He laughed. "No, no. Nothing like that. When will you be back?"

"Depends. I think I'll be back in two or three days- Wednesday or Thursday- but it depends on Sofia." I let it slip off my tongue, oh my God. She's going to kill me, it's inevitable. Literally kill me.

"Right, you probably don't want to run into her at home," he seethed, "so, which of you is moving out?"

I bit my lip, me or her? That's another great thought, I'd have nowhere to go if she kicked me out. She would probably leave happily- she would run back to Sabrina when it was convenient. Either way, she'd move on. Or, why don't we both just leave the apartment? We hate everything about our apartment equally. Our neighbour, Susan, would be glad to be rid of us.

"We're going to live together still; I mean, we can be adults about this. Be civil, and all. Neither of us have the money to really move out, so we'll work it out," I begin muttering. I'm going to slip up one of these times and Sofia will realise how untrustworthy I am. Watch as Cameron already knows and he is just mocking me, this is tormenting, I have to be even more careful. "But, yeah, you're right. I don't want to run into her, so I will get back to you about that."

"Okay. I just need to meet up with you when you get back into town. I have a favour I need to ask you."

"Why?" I pouted, scratching the skin on my leg. I could tear a scar into my calf. "You're going to make me actually work, how cruel."

He was chuckling on his end. "You're a pain in the ass. I just got a bit of money and I need your help to put it to use."

"Are you going to buy me a car with that cash?" I ask.

"More like pay your bills, with a paycheck. I need you to help me with my documentary."

I sit up. "What?"

"I'll talk to you when you get back. I've got to go. I finally have my film pieced together. I know exactly what I'm doing, how I'm doing it, and with this extra money flow, I can get it wrapped up really soon."

"Congrats, Cam!" I exclaim. I sigh the rest of my excitement for him. I scratch my eyebrow, my voice dropping, a plastered smile muffled my voice, "I still have no idea what you need my help with."

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