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Sofia drew her fingers down my exposed back two nights later. Cameron is meeting us for dinner at an expensive restaurant. Sofia's choice, my paycheck.

Sofia is thrilled to see me in a dress for the first time in a long time, but she was more excited to see me get into it- if we're all honest here. I don't own much lace (unlike someone), but I have a pair of tan panties that I had on under my dress, the hem was peaking out from under the undone zipper, I was intentionally teasing my girlfriends curiosity. She spent a while trying to find them on my waist with her eyes while I struggled to get my dress on. My finger tips were so numb and shaky, I couldn't get the gown on. Much to Sofia's delight. Eventually, Sofia had to tap her fingers along my lower back to find the skin coloured fabric (I think she was too shy to go any lower). Her nails dragged along the hem, and then they gently released and moved to her sides. Away from me.

She managed to look around the bathroom as I pulled the bust over my chest. "Will you zip this please?" I ask softly, my back already to her. My skin was on fire as her ice hands felt the curve in my back, looking for the zipper at the top of my underwear.

I pull my hair all off to my shoulder and hold all of it and my dress to my pounding breasts until she slowly slides it up my spine, cinching me into a beautiful mid thigh length fitted gown. "You look amazing," she whispered, holding my shoulders.

"Thank you."

She pressed a kiss to my neck and then my jawline, setting her chin on my strapless arm. "Why are we being so quiet?" Her breath on my neck made my cheeks change colour.

"I don't know," I giggle, grabbing my make up bag. I raise my voice to a speaking level, "Go get ready. I have to get my make up done. You're not even dressed."

She hooked her hand to my waist. "I love you, and you already look stunning."

I put a gloss over my lips and I turn to meet hers. "I love you too." I smiled as her mouth was newly shimmering. "Go."

She pursed her lips and her dimples deepened. "What do you want to see me in?"

I look her over in her sweater and leggings. I love how lost in her own thought she is as exciting ideas enter my head. We've both been in a mood lately- it doesn't mean much, both of us are adult women and it is a heated time of the month, it is not something either of us choose. This happens every month, the last time it happened to be synced was New York; for me it was just before, for her it was when we returned.

Neither of us do anything serious about the tension, but the thoughts have been raging constantly the last night or two, at least they have for me. Sofia was laughing at me last night for how many kisses I wanted while we laid in bed watching a movie, but today she has been more touchy feely than ever before. She is finding more and more intimate places as she traces my body. And, I actually really love it. Fear doesn't stop my natural desires, and I am glad for that. I'd be a wreck if my experiences barred me from feeling any attraction to my girlfriend's body. How can I not appreciate the woman I love? "Preferably? I'd love to see you in nothing, but if you have to wear something, how about that little blue dress?"

"The skimpy one that I got for the music choice awards?" she asked, following the fabric along my hips.

I nod, pressing eyelash extensions to my eye. She is very distracting. "I really liked it on you."

She curved her body over mine, laying on my back as I bent over the counter to see my mirror. "It barely covered half of my thigh, and it was strapless."

"Sofia, where does my dress go to, and how much of my skin have you given hickies to?" I giggle, putting my glue down, tossing my eyes as the lashes adhere.

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