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Sofia was acting strange when we returned to our house. She was quiet and squimish, cautious yet reckless to get on with the night. While we were at the restaurant, she was antsy and she didn't keep conversation- each segued into another topic, we talked everything from work to dreams to sex to aliens to music and more in two hours. She couldn't stop talking and she was unsettled, she wouldn't sit still. After, it was as if someone had a gun to her head the entire ride home. She was silent and she flinched at everything that moved. It was a bit frightening, she was speeding.

When we got to our building, she held my hand up the stairs and through the hallways to our apartment. She spun me gracefully in circles, dancing with me to our front door. Yet another change of mood for her. She was laughing so much, she was loose, free. I loved it!

Sofia unlocked the door and went through, waiting behind it to close it after me. She tossed her keys and my jacket on the counter and flicked on the light switches. Her hand looped behind my waist as I came in, her fingers pulling me towards her. She tugged hard enough to trip me, and I grabbed onto her to catch myself.

"What are you doing?" I chuckle. She brushed my hair back with her other hand holding my lower back, squaring me intimately close to her figure. She kissed me without saying a word.

Her passion moved right below my jawline, slowly marking to my collarbone- Sofia was taking advantage of my paleness to leave faint hickies. They'd disappear like all of the other ones she has ever left on me. She stopped sucking my skin, whispering hell fire breath against my flushed body, "Dinner was so nice."

"Yeah." I panted, catching my breath. She took me by deliberative surprise to provoke a reaction from me. I was provoked. "The food was amazing. Once we got it." Service was slow, but it was well worth the wait. The twenty dollar wine was not worth it though, she wouldn't let me pour either of us a glass. She insisted that we didn't need it.

"It was."

I tried to shut the door without disturbing her new display. I'm conflicted, I like seeing her so careless and rough, but she's never acted like this before. This is something Thomas used to do- Ryan would do it too.

I pull my head away from her pulsing mouth, I'm touching the door with my skull and I've barely gained an inch of space, I've nowhere else to go. It didn't take her more than a second to stop. I smile weakly, and swallow my stomach from my throat. "Maybe we should get to bed."

She leaned away, her eyes struggling to focus on mine. Her beautiful, rich brown eyes flicked around my face, like richochetting bullets. She gazed down to the crease between my breasts in my dress, pouting. "Why?"

"Because it's late," I say quietly, kissing the corner of her mouth. A grin sneaks onto my face, an alluring groan comes from my chest as she refused to let go of me. "Come on. Do I have to drag you to bed?"

"We'll get there. I promise." Sofia's hips began to move ever so gently against my exposed leg. I choke on my restless heart.

I defensively guard myself and roll my eyes, wrapping my arms around her neck, minimising the space between us. A shutter went down her spine as my cold skin touched her. Her hot kisses leave me numb. I need to breathe, I begin seeing double until I sharply gasped. My body tingled, and a heavy weight in my pelvis nearly doubled me over.

"We could go to bed now, or we can take this a little farther." She slid her hands to the backs of my thighs, under my dress, encouraging me to trust her to hold me. Her voice growled seductively, "It's up to you. Do you think you'll be okay?"

"I think I will be more than okay." Our lips connect and I wrap my left leg around her waist, pulling my chest to hers, kicking my right leg off the floor. She catches my weight and is steady as she gently pins me to the front door. She presses her waist between my pulsing legs, clicking the door back in its socket. The latch took my breath away.

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