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It took less than an hour to convince Sofia to go along with the plot of how we were going to announce ourselves. It was subtle, it was clear. It was ten clock when we finished filming our entire message; it went faster than the other sessions because we were communicating. Cameron, Sofia, and I talked through every step. Cameron really eased her and made her comfortable with the idea. He knew what to say.

Though his behaviour unsettled me just a bit. He is still pissing me off by how he looks at Sofia and I. What is his deal?

Our video was not about us dating, but it was obvious enough. Sofia was fretting we were ruining his film, so Cameron is going to take special care of this film strip to keep it as on track as possible. It isn't going to mess up the point of his documentary and it is not forcing anything down a viewers throat.

Sofia put her hands on my cheeks and kissed my head in the moonlight. I shivered and slid my hands between her jacket and her body. "Are you ready to go home?" She mumbled against my hair.

"We should go to dinner tonight. All three of us." I look over my shoulder. "Cam, do you want to go out?"

Cameron wiped his camera lens. "Uh, I don't think I can." He blew on the glass. "Your girlfriend might have a problem with it."

"Nah, she's down." I giggle, drumming my fingers on Sofia's lower back.

Sofia let go of me, sliding her way away from me and she grabbed her phone from the table on the porch wearily. She took careful steps back over with her eyes settling on my hand, which she was soon to grab. "Maybe another night, babe. I am exhausted, and it's already ten thirty. Eleven o'clock before we get home and you've got work in the morning."

Cam lowered his head, avoiding my stare. He's uncomfortable because he knows I've had it with him. I'm sick of this look He gives! He knows what he is doing, he just doesn't care because Sofia nor I ever say anything to him. That's it! "Cameron, get over it," I demand incredulously.

Sofia stared at me wide eyed. "Dove-"

"Get over what?" Cameron asked innocently, his freckles being hidden in his stress lines. His lips are just ticking me off, they're permanently casted like a cement grimace. It is so unnoticable, Sofia can't tell what is unsettling her, but we both know it is something. I'm the one who sees it though, and I am not going to let him stand there with that fake ass voice mowing over his actual thoughts.

I put my hand around Sofia and I intentionally squeeze her ass, gently but dramatically. She jumped as I did so and her gasp told Cameron everything I intended it to. His face tightened a lot more obviously to the average eye. "You're uncomfortable with us dating."

"Okay, fine." He nodded slowly, running his tongue across his teeth under a scowl. "Yeah, Dove, I am." He shrugged. "So what?"

"So, get over it."

Sofia appreciated when I let go of her. Although, she did it right back to me, pulling me to her chest and holding me, seting her head on mine. Cameron sighed. "Did you want me to lie and say I was okay with this?"

"I don't care if you don't get it, but please try to understand that this is how we are," I say, being held up by my strong girlfriend.

Sofia lifted her head and looked at me. "Maybe we should go," she whispered.

No, I'm not leaving this anymore. Cameron speaks to her one on one in a way that soothes her back into tranquility, and then when I show up, his looks are the ones that give Sofia anxiety whether she knows it or not. I'm not going to let him be so two faced. I'm fixing what should've been confronted a long time ago.

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