You went to France with Jeongyeon, and since you practically started your new life leaving everything behind, at first it was hard, stress, and lost. But not a single day you skipped out gym training, French classes, and learning about skin care and make up, you did everything you need to do to improve yourself, while searching for what you really wanna do.
In a year, you drastically went from a crazy old ajuma to a very very beautiful young lady, even your parents won't even recognize you if they didn't walk close ( no surgical 😂 ). Although you are already 27, but you looked younger and sexier, of course you had more confidence in yourself.
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Jeongyeon works as a famous supermodel in France, westerners love her asian features and she was the most popular asian supermodel.
When she saw potential in you, she started all the make up, styling, modeling, etiquette lessons on you, passed on all her modeling techniques and experiences. Finding out that she loves teaching modeling and she's quite good at it, she deiced to quit modeling and started her own production. It was a breaking news throughout the modeling industry. Everybody said it's too early for her to retire but she didn't regret one bit.
Her production's very first model was you. (Basically she's your best friend/ producer/ trainer/ manager)
Under Jeongyeon's training, you were learning fast and soon you were ready, she took you to the biggest audition of the year and although you were way shorter and older compared to the other attendees but you looked younger yet you have an aura of matured elegance. The love and pain in the past gave you more than just an experience, they serve as your strength, the judges loved how your eyes full with stories untold. You were mystery itself, and they all love you.
And they chose you?! You won?! You successfully caught all their eyes and won their hearts. Your first modeling work is to shoot for a fashion magazine, the results were more than they have expected, and they did an additional cover page of you, signed a whole year contract. Your name, your face, your looks and style was all over France after that issue of magazine was released.
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Another 2 years working as a model in France, you're 29. It was a yearly fully booked of schedule, although you were not as very tall, legs not as long as the other supermodels but people love you.