Chapter 2

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8 hours to go. 8 hours until we land in England, and I receive package number 2. My parents weren’t too thrilled of the idea of me traveling halfway across the country by myself, following the instructions of my deceased aunt. But I made a promise.

Two Days Prior

I sat on a cold, park bench, secluded from the rest of the world. It was like time stopped as I tore open the package. Inside was a 3 envelopes. I opened the envelope that had the one on it.

“My dearest Abygail,

Take a deep breath. I know you, and how you probably hyperventilating at the fact that you are reading this letter from your dead aunt, but breath. Once you calm down, read on.

It wasn’t I surprise to me that I had cancer when I told you. I have actually know for over a year. I just didn’t have the courage to tell you and the rest of the family, as they would have made me fly to Michigan right away. Michigan wasn’t where I wanted to spend my last moments of my life, and you would’ve known that. My whole life, my parents wanted to be something that I wasn’t. They wanted me to be somebody who I wasn’t. I just couldn’t do that. I know the family despises me for leaving them, but I had to do it. For me. Art was my passion. I had to pursue it. Art made me happy. Just as music does to you.

I know that after this summer you are headed of to college. You are going to make a decision of what you want to do for the rest of your life. I want you to think carefully about this. You are turning into an adult, but that doesn’t mean you cant be yourself still. Growing up doesn’t mean you have to give up what makes you happy. Don’t give up your passion for music. I know your mom and dad always tell you that it is just a silly hobby, but you and I know otherwise. I've heard you sing, and you are amazing.

Though I am writing this letter in December, I know you would agree to my last two requests. I know you would make me two promises. Both promises are up to you. But I am here to make them a little easier. Enclosed in this package is two other envelopes. In the second one, you will find a couple things. First, you will find one way plane ticket to England. The second thing in that envelope is $500. Right now, you are freaking out. I understand. You are thinking that your crazy dead aunt wants you to fly to a foreign country, all by yourself. But im going to ask you to one more thing. Trust me. You have 48 hours to get the ticket activated, and get ready. Don t open the third envelope until you get on the plane.

I love you Abygail. And just remember: Trust Me.

                                                                                                                    Love, Aunt B.”

I couldnt believe what I read. Did she honestly expect me to fly to England by myself? I guess there was only one thing I could do. I would just have to trust her.

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