Chapter 5

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Saying the car ride back to their home would be an understatement. After he told me the news, I stared at him for five minutes, then I said “what?” That wasn’t really the smartest thing I could have said, but I was just surprised. Aunt B never told me that she was married. She never even said anything about a boyfriend to be honest. Every time she would come down, I would nag her to find a boyfriend, in which she would always laugh off. 

Alex took the rest of the day off of work to bring back to their place. Neither of us said a word, though I don’t think anything either of us could say would make the situation less awkward. I read through all of my text messages. Most of them friends telling me that they would miss me, or family telling me to be safe. 

Alex turned up the radio, and a catchy beat started playing. I was looking out the window, watching the beautiful scenery of England pass us by. I nonchalantly started to bob my head to the music, then my foot started tapping to the rhythm. The thing about being a musician is that you can catch a beat in no time. I turned my head to see what Alex was doing, and he was looking over at me smiling. “It's a pretty catchy tune, huh?” 

I smiled back at him. “It actually is. Do you know who its by?” I asked, slightly curious to whom was singing what could possibly be my new favorite song. 

“One Direction. They were formed on the x-factor this past year. They didn't win, but seems to me that they got on very well and are going to go far.” 

“Seems interesting. So its a boy band then?” You see, boy bands weren’t really my thing. I mean yeah, the backstreet boys were good. But I was never a hardcore fan for them. I liked many genres of music, but boy bands just seemed cliché to me.

“Yup. They actually were the reason behind the madness at the airport today. They flew into England today. The same flight as you, actually.” I was a little stunned that that many girls were there, for a silly boy band, who didn’t even win the talent competition. I mean, that beautiful song was pretty good, catchy even, but they still were just a little boy band.

I looked out the window, distracted by the buildings and trees flying by us. I closed my eyes, and found myself falling asleep right then and there.

I walked into their little house, which was right outside of the city. It was cute, if I must say, but it didn’t look like a house that my aunt would live in. Usually, she would go for the old, crazy, broken down house. A house that she could rebuild herself, just the way she wanted it. Alex unlocked the door, and carried my bags inside. 

The walls were the first things I noticed. They were all different colors. Blue, pink, green. Just the way Aunt B liked things. Pictures and painting hung on the wall. I could tell she didn’t even bother to try to hang them up straight. I walked into the kitchen to see a huge mosaic of broken glass and dishes. In the window hung a wind chime made from old silverware, with a antique looking bottle in the center. I understood why she made it the center. The was the sunlight went through it and reflected into the kitchen was quite a sight.

Alex lead me upstairs to a room with a purple door. He dropped my stuff off, and told me that he'll give me some time. I didn’t really understand, until I opened the door. She decorated this room for me. In the corner laid a bed that had a hand made quilt on it, with instruments embroidered into it. Rubbing the quilt, I realized that it was made of many of my favorite fabrics, like silk and cotton. I walked around the room, touching everything. The walls, which she had painted herself, the cabinets, which she no doubtingly built herself. Everything in this room was beautiful. It was actually breathtaking. I made my way over to the last wall, in which she made another mosaic. This one was different though. From a distance, it looked like music notes. Close up, I realized that there were hundreds of picture of us, bands, and more instruments. It was perfect.

I walked back over to the bed, and plopped down on it. It was actually really comfortable. Thoughts were running through my mind. More like questions. Why? Why did she decorate a room all for me? What did this mean? I took a pillow, and covered my face. I put my head back down, to hear the crinkle of paper. There was one thing that was for certain. She defiantly didn’t lie about more envelopes.

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