Chapter 12

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Shifting around, I tried to get comfortable in the train seat. You would think I would have been able to find a comfortable position considering we have been on this train for over 3 hours. I held the letter in my hand, and read it over about twenty times. Why would she make me do this?

I moved around a little more, trying not to wake the blonde Irish boy sleeping on my shoulder. Why did I get him involved? Why couldn't't I have just packed all my stuff and gone alone? The thing is, I knew exactly why.

I adverted my attention to the letter that was in my hands once again.

My Dearest Abby,

How was the concert? I have hope that Chris hooked you up? I cannot pretend to know who performed for you, I just really hope that it was an artist that you will be listening to sometime in the future.

I know that your parents never really allowed you to do much, let alone go to a concert. That’s why I knew that it would be perfect for you to kind of see things from a different point of view. This time, you saw someone perform from the crowd. Next time, I have a feeling you will be the one performing in front of many other people.

Just remember Abygail, don’t ever let anyone tell you that you cant do something. Even if its going to mars, you can do it if you put your mind to it. That was one thing that drove me crazy about your parents, they never did support you the way that a parent should. I really hope that the words that they have said haven’t affect you in your decisions for the future. You are smart, talented, and beautiful. Just remember that you can do anything that you put your mind to.

Anyway, enough of the sappy aunt talk. How would you like to go on another adventure? Knowing you, you wouldn't like it too much, but guess what? Too bad. Story time!

When me and Alex got in our first fight, it was really hard for me. I have always been the one to give up when the going gets tough. There was no doubt in my mind that someday I could love him, and have a future with him, but that didn't stop me from running away from my fears. The night we got in our first fight, I was hurt. We both said some really stupid and hurtful things, and now that I think about it, I don’t even remember what we were fighting about. The only thing I could remember was how scared I was of getting hurt yet another time.

After the fight, things weren’t right. That night, he sat on the bed watching me pack an overnight bag, and kept on trying to talk to me. I wouldn’t have any of it. I just continued to pack. I left him in the room after I was done, and walked all the way to the train station and got on the first train, not even caring where I was going. I wanted to get out of here.

After a few hours, I hopped off the train in some random city. I realized that this probably wasn’t one of my brightest ideas, but made my way to a little cafe down the street anyway. I sat there for an hour or two just thinking, and then left. Making my way out of the door, I looked around the corner to see Alex sitting on a bench, in the cold, just waiting for me.

I made my way over to him and wrapped my arms around him. It was then I realized that he was truly the one for me. Yeah, we will have our disagreements, but he was worth fighting for. We would always make it a point to jump on a random train to god knows where once a month. It was kind of our thing. And with that, we made some of the most amazing memories together. So Abby dear, are you ready to jump on a random train to nowhere? Because that’s exactly what your going to do tomorrow.

Tomorrow, Alex will hand you another letter and some money. Just enough to get a two way ticket, and pay for a few days stay wherever you end up. Pack some clothes and don’t forget your guitar! On your way back home, open the letter.

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