Chapter 14.

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Niall's jaw dropped and he looked me in the eyes. “Well.. Um...”

Niall kept on stuttering over his words and I tapped my foot impatiently on the ground. Giving him one last glare, I turned around and started to walk away.

“Wait Abygail!” Niall said as he grasped my wrist. “It's a long story, give me a second. Lets sit down and I'll tell you everything. I promise!” His eyes filled with hurt, and I caved in. Grabbing my hand, he led us to a old, wooden bench that was by a little stream. It really was pretty, but I was too determined to find out what Niall was talking about to really pay any attention.

“Where should I start?”

I snorted. “The beginning would be a good idea.” I said in a sour tone while crossing my arms.

“Right..” He ran his fingers through his hair and sighed. “About 6 months ago, I had this little thing going on with Demi Lovato..” I raised my eyebrows at him, signaling for him to keep going. “She had always been my celebrity crush. When our band became really famous, Demi and I started to talk. We would talk on twitter, text, and have an occasional Skype date. Well any way, we decided that maybe we should try dating. I do admit, I really didn't know that much about Demi. Well we started dating, and then things just fell apart. I was devastated that it didn't work out, but I should have known that we jumped into it to fast. I was just too shocked to think that Demi would even be interested in me to care. I ended up getting my heart broken, and Demi wasn't even fazed. It was stupid really. The thing about me is when I fall, I fall hard.”

I looked up at Niall to see tears forming in his eyes. I grabbed his hand and he continued. “I really like you Abygail. Honestly. But we just met, and I don’t want to go to fast. I don’t want to lose you. I don’t want to mess this up. There’s just something about you that I'm drawn to. You're beautiful, sweet, and very talented. I want to get to know you. I want to know the real you.” He smiled at me, the smile reaching his eyes.

“And I want to get to know you. The real Niall Horan. Not Niall Horan from One Direction.” I said, speaking for the first time since he began his story.

“Well, if you really want to know something about me.. Its that I really like food, and right now I’m really hungry..” At that moment his stomach grumbled. We both fell into a fit of laughter.

“Lets go get some food then!” I grabbed his hand and we both started running back to the little town that we passed a bit ago while walking.

We ate. We laughed. We joked. We ate some more. We received many dirty looks from the people sitting at the table next to us. It was the perfect meal.

After lunch, Niall and I decided to explore more of the little town. In the distance, there was a little art market.

“Niiiiiiaaaaaaaalllll?” I jutted out my bottom lip, making a pouty face.

“Yea...?” He stood there looking at me awkwardly.

“Can we pweety pwease go to the markwet?” I pouted out my lip even more and batted my eyelashes at him.

He sighed. “If you stop talking like that..” I smiled at him. “And you stop with the eyelashes.. It's kind of freaking me out..” At this we both started laughing. A stuck out his elbow, “Shall we?”

Skipping to the market, I let go of Niall and we both ended up going our separate ways. Niall went to look at the little instrument table, and I was looking at just about everything else. I ran my hands across all the hand made clothing items. There was a dress that I kept on coming back to though. It was beautiful. It was made of red silky material, and it flowed all the way to the ground. The top was strapless, and on the hem of the top there was crystals sewed to the top. It was one of the most beautiful dresses that I had ever seen. Touching the dress one last time, I moved over to another table. I knew that I wouldn't be able to afford a dress like that. There was no point in torturing myself.

The table next to me was full of hand made jewelry. All of it was beautiful as well. There was necklaces, bracelets, and earrings. Pretty much any type of jewelry, in every color that existed. I was about to leave when something caught my eye. I made my way to the end of the table and saw a couple bracelets. They were made out a leather, which was bounded together by some type of string that I didn't recognize. I picked one up and examined it. Hanging from the center was a little metal charm with a unique symbol on it.

“That is a very special bracelet.” I looked up from the bracelet to see an elderly Indian women standing across from me. “You see, with these bracelets, you are suppose to get two of them. One for you, and the other for someone who makes you happy. It is said that when you wear these bracelets, happiness will always come from that person.” Her accent rang through my mind. “The charm is an old tribe symbol. Those who have the symbol are suppose to have a life full of happiness and luck. Though our tribe is becoming extinct, we have always had luck and happiness.”

I looked at the bracelet and then back to the lady. She seemed to be deep in though. I spotted Niall a few tables down and couldn't help but smile. He was eating again, and I had no clue what it was, but it looked vile. “How much are they?” I smiled at the lady, digging through my purse to find some money.

“For you, nothing dear.”

I looked at the lady, mouth slightly ajar. “Really, I need to give you something.”

“It's my present for you.” She handed me another bracelet. “Now go. Go to him.” He smiled and nodded her head in Niall's direction.

“Thank you so much!” I smiled and half hugged the lady, and the skipped over to Niall.

“Hey!” Niall said when he saw me coming his way. He finished eating whatever he was eating and had multiple bags in his hands.

“Found some stuff I see!” I stuffed both bracelets into my purse, deciding that I would give them to him later.

“Yeah. I found some things for the boys! They're gonna love them!” He smiled really big.

“Ready to head back? We have to take the train back home tomorrow night!” I would be lying if I said I wanted to go home. Yeah, it may have only been a couple days, but it was nice spending time with Niall.

“Sure thing my lady!” He answered in a fake posh British accent. A giggle escaping from my lips.

He moved all of his bags to one of his hands, then grabbed mine with the other. I smiled up at him. 

I couldn't help but think about this crazy adventure that my Aunt has sent me on. Without her, I wouldn't have done any of this. Without her, I wouldn't be here with one of the most amazing guys that I have ever met. Niall squeezed my hand and I looked up at him. He shot me a beautiful smile, and we continued walking back to the hotel. He was just perfect.

_____________________________________________________________________________Hey guys! So I really, really like this chapter.. haha I decided to make up for the pathetic excuse of a chapter that I posted yesterday.. haha.

So I just wanted to let you know that I love you all. And Im mad at Harry and Zayn. They decided to follow some people today, one of which who hasn't tweeted in over 99 days.. and that makes me want to punch myself in the face and jump off a cliff. GR. 

Anywho, chapter 14 already?! About 16 more chapters and the storys over.. AHH. Thats cray cray. Loool. I just wanted to say thank you for liking and reading the story! Keep voting and commenting and becoming fans! All of that motivates me to update quicker.. *wink wink* *nudge nudge* haha.

Love ya! - Brooke

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