Chapter 17

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The bell rang as I entered the Wishing Well Cafe. A smile settled on my face as I made my way toward the table that I sat at the first time I visited the cafe. Charlotte waved to me behind the counter and I quickly ordered what I wanted.

After getting my tea, I sat back down and pulled the newest letter and package out of my bag. I decided to reread it while waiting.

Dear Abygail,

By time you get this letter, you will have about 3 weeks left in London. Then there are two letters left. I really hope you have enjoyed your time here so far and that it has changed you're point of view. I only have a few things to say in this letter.

I know I keep on saying it, but you are amazing. Just please, follow your dreams. If you don't take anything else from this trip, take the lesson that you can do whatever you put your mind to.

You should have got a package with this letter, and its for your next adventure.

This time, I'm going to ask you to go on your own adventure. Anywhere you want, for two weeks. The only thing I ask is that you use whats in the package on your trip.

I love you Abygail. Just remember to follow your dreams.

Love Aunt B.

The bell above the cafe door chimed, and I adverted my attention towards it. I smiled when I noticed it was Niall walking through it. I got a text from him last night, asking to hang out today. I of course agreed and we decided on the cafe.

Niall made his way over to me, and I smiled at him. He was wearing a pair of dark wash jeans, a purple t-shirt that made his eyes pop, and a pair of purple supras.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him. “Come with me.” And I didn't ask any questions.

The car ride was silent. Not one of those awkward silences, but a nice one. He tapped along to the radio while he had a little smile on his face. I had no clue where he was taking me, but I didn't care.

I hadn't realized we had stopped, until Niall unbuckled his seat belt and looked at me. “You ready?”

I looked out the window to see the London eye in front of me. I smiled and followed him.

As soon as we were on it, Niall grabbed my hand and looked me in the eye. “Abygail.”

“Yes..?” I asked confused.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry for ignoring you for the past few days. I just had to think about some things. Abygail, you are one of the most amazing girls I have ever met. There is something about you. Something that makes me lose my mind every time I'm around you, or even think about you. I still want to get to know you before we go any further into what we have, whatever we have. I just cant lose you. I have spend nights thinking about you, and how amazing and perfect you are. It's too good to be true. I'm falling hard and fast Abygail. But I'm too afraid of getting hurt.” He took a breath and dropped my hand. He ruffled his hair and put his hands on his face. “I just.. I have been hurt so much in the past. I don't think I could handle it again.” He dropped his hands and looked up at me again. “I really like you. And no matter how hard I try, I cant help but think about you. These past few days have been absolute toture. Not talking to you.. I’m.. I'm sorry.”

I was speechless. My mind was racing a thousand miles an hour and I stopped breathing for a moment. “You know.. I thought these past few days were torture too..” I smiled at him and grabbed his hand. “But, I'm ok now.”

“Well.. We only have three more weeks together.. Might as well make them count.” He smiled cheekily at me.

“About that..” I let go of his hand and stared at them in my lap. “I'm leaving tomorrow. I'm going to tour France, Italy, Germany, and Ireland and I'm not coming back for two weeks..”


Hey loves. I am so sorry for not updating sooner. Warning, this is kinda long, but important.

A lot has been going on lately. Lets start with the good news first! So on Thursday night, JOSH FRICKEN DEVINE FOLLOWED ME. I am so blessed. I still cant believe it. 

Then I come on here to see my story hit over 10,000 reads. WHAT? Are you guys serious?

Ok. So the bad news. A few nights back my mom got in a motorcycle accident. She hurt her foot, and we thought she just sprained her ankle. Being the stubborn person she is, she didn't want to go to the hospital. When the swelling and bruising never went away, we took her to the hospital and found out she broke her tulas. That is the bone that connect the leg and foot together, and it is very hard to break. It is very serious, and on Tuesday she is getting surgery. These past few days i've been taking care of her. She cant walk, or really do anything, and if she messes it up even more, she may not be able to walk.

So again, I apologize for not updating sooner, but alot his been gong on. I will try to update before Tuesday, but it just depends on how much help my mom needs. 

My favorite comment was a tie between Butterflyryuu and mademmyMT. Thank you guys so much for all of your lovely comments and keep votiing and commenting and becoming my fans! I love you guys so muc! (: - Brooke

Summer of PromisesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora