Chapter 16

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Two days. It's been two days since I got back from Brighton. Two days since I had talked to Niall last. Two days since I read my newest letter. Did I mention it had been two days since I had talked to Niall?

Our last night in Brighton was perfect. We layed on the beach, danced, and talked. I give him the bracelet and told him the story behind it. Then he smiled and kissed my forehead. We stayed there and looked at the stars, telling each other storied from our childhoods. It really was perfect. We walked back to the hotel hand in hand, and then in the morning got up and hopped on a train back to London. Now I’m sitting here at home, on the couch, torturing myself with thoughts about the weekend, and what I must have done wrong.

I sighed and pushed myself off the couch, and decided to get ready for the day. I'm only in London for 25 more days, and there was no way that I was going to mope around over a boy. Even if that boy was perfect.

After my showers, I threw on a big hoodie and some skinny jeans. Not in the mood to do anything special, I threw my hair up in a messy bun, and didn't even bother to do my make-up. I grabbed the letter, my guitar, some paper, and headed out to the city.

I found myself walking in the direction of the park that I had went to on the first night in London. There was just something special about the park. I don’t know what it was, it just made me happy. But deep down inside, I knew what it was. Or should I say who.

I sat down on the very familiar bench, and took the letter out of my bag.


How was the trip? I'm not sure where you chose to go, but knowing you, it was perfect. I'm hoping that you made many new memories that you'll cherish forever. This whole letter thing isn't about me pushing you to go places and do things that you don't want to do. Trust me, I had enough of that in my life. But I just want to show that you don't have to follow all the rules and every one else's footsteps.

I want this trip to mean something special to you. I want it to open your eyes to different possibilities. I don’t want you to do everything just because I asked you to do them. I want you to do them because hopefully you will enjoy them too. I want this to shape who you are, and maybe change your point of view on life. I want you to know that this is YOUR life, and you should do what makes you happy.

You remind me a lot of myself you know. I always had different dreams and feeling than others. I was independent, and always did things for myself. But then I got to this stage in my life where I want to make other people happy. I would do anything others asked me, especially my parents, because I was afraid of disappointing anyone. I wanted to be what they wanted me to be, so that they would approve.

The one day, I just woke up, knowing that this isn’t me. This whole life I have been living was a lie. I didn’t want to be what they want me to be, I want to be myself. What I'm trying to say Abygail is that, no matter what you go through in life, no matter who you meet, don't let anyone change who you want to be or who you are. There will always be people in your life who want you to be something other than what you are, but you just have to ignore that.

You have so much going for you Abygail. Just remember that you are beautiful and that you can set your mind to anything and achieve anything. I believe in you.

I have a new task for you. This one is a bit different. What I want you to do is find somewhere special. I don't care where it is, and go there. Bring your guitar, some paper and something to write with. I want you to spend the day there. Just a relaxing day. You're going to sit at that place, and think about things. About how you are feeling, about whats going on. And you're going to write a song.

I've never wrote a song, so I cant tell you that it will be easy or hard, but I think you can do it. Scratch that. I know you can do it.

When your done, come home. There will be another letter waiting for you. I love you.

Love, me.

After putting the letter back in my bag, I grabbed my guitar and started playing with the chords. I just sat there, strumming it, thinking about everything that has happened, how I felt. I jotted down all the things that came to mind. Soon, I had pages full of thoughts, and the guitar part all set.

After hours and hours, I had finally finished the song. Satisfied, I played it one more time.

“Do you mind if I sit here?”

Not looking, I responded “Not at all.”

I bent down and set my guitar back in its case.

“You may not know this, but you're all he's been thinking about..”

I turned my head to look at who was talking to me. His green eyes lit up under the moonlight. His curls messy, yet perfect.

“But.. how.. what..?” My mind was racing and I couldn't seem to speak.

“It's true. He's been sitting around these past two days, eating everything, and talking about how wonderful you are, and how you're too good to be true.”

I couldn't help but smile.

“Did he tell you about Demi?” I nodded. “Well, over the past four months, he hasn’t been himself. He's been sad, and barely even laughed. But when he met you last week at the park, and heard you sing, he came back to the hotel like the old Niall. We didn't know why, but then that day he came home after the concert, he explained it to us.” He smiled. “Something about you, something changed Niall back. I'm not sure what it is, but even the fans have noticed how happy he is.”

“Yeah, he is amazing.” My smile still plastered on my face. I shifted in my seat and watched an elderly couple walking hand in hand.

“Well, I just wanted to thank you. And can you promise me one thing?” I adverted my attention back to him. “Please don't hurt him. He really is one of the nicest guys I have ever know, and he is so kind and caring. I hated, the band hated seeing him so hurt.”

“Harry,” I started while grabbing one of his hands, “The last thing I want to do is hurt him. I promise that I will never purposefully hurt him.” I let go of his hand. “There's something about him.. Something that makes me not afraid to be myself..” I sighed. I really didn't know how to put it into words. But Niall made me happy. He made me happy to be me. These past few weeks I've known him, hes shown me more about myself than most people I know.

“Well Abygail, it was lovely having this conversation with you, but I must head home before anybody suspects anything..” He flashed me a smile and got off of the bench.

“Hey Harry..” I started. “How did you know I was going to be here?” I asked, confused.

He laughed. “Where do you think Niall has gone the past two nights?”

With that, Harry Styles walked away, disappearing into the dark park. I walked back to the house, carrying my guitar, realizing something. Niall was something special. And I don’t want to lose him.


Hey loves! How are you guys?! Ok, so yesterday was a very emotional day for many of us.. It was our babies 2 year anniversary! WAHH. I'm so prooud of them. My heart hurts.

Anyway, 7,000 reads?! What?! Are you forreal? OMG. I love you guys.

And im going to start giving a shoutout to the people who have the best comment on the previous chapter! 

So this week, the shoutout goes to... *insert drumrole played by the fabulous Josh* 1Dismyreason2be (: You're  comment made me smile and I love you all. So have a great day, and please keep commenting and reading and voting. I also get some really nice tweets and DM's about the story, so thank you all. You guys are amazing and beautiful and I love youi! (: - Brooke 

P.S. If you don't already, you should follow me on twittah. Its @1DArmyy (:

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