Chapter 8

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Kicking the rocks that were in my way, I walked back towards my house. London was quite beautiful at night, I must admit. There was a slight breeze, making my long brown locks block my sight every so often. The sound of the tree leaves moving in the breeze relaxed me, it always has. I reached the front door to the house, and walked in. I ran into 'my' room, and placed my guitar down, before making my way back downstairs.

I sat down at the kitchen table, drinking the cup of tea that I had just made myself. The moon was out, and you could see it through the window. Their house had the perfect setting. Not too close to the city, yet far enough away to be able to see the stars. I suddenly remembered the envelope in my hand. Holding my breath, I ripped it open.

“My Dear Niece,

See what I did there? Switching it up a bit? Anywho. How was your trip to the cafe? Lovely, I hope. Isn’t Charlotte such a lovely women? I always did love talking to her, the way that her eyes sparkled with hope. She always was hopeful, about everything. No doubt, she is getting older. I feel bad that she is often on her own. Do me a favor, go visit her every so often. It'll do you and her good.

How was playing your guitar for people like? I hope you weren’t nervous, though, I doubt you were. Abygail, I really do hope that someday you realize how much talent you truly have. You honestly have such and amazing voice. The fact that you sing with such raw emotion, it got me every time. When you write your own music, you may not realize it, but so many other people can relate to you. But they only can, if you let them.

I know you may be tired. You had a very busy day. Going all the across the world, to a foreign country, all by yourself. You are growing up on me. (insert tears) I know that you’ll grow up into an amazing young women. I wouldn’t doubt that for second. You have an amazing life ahead of. Just dont give up what you love. Dont give up that one thing that makes the fire in your heart burn. The passion inside you burn. Tomorrow, your going to have some fun. Alex will be taking you to the O2 Arena, where one of my good friends will be. Just ask for Chris. Tell him 'Beezy' sent you.

Chris is a really close friend of mine. On the plane ride here, I sat next to him. We got into some really good conversations, about art and music. He told me that he worked at the Arena, and I told him that someday you will be performing there. He laughed. He probably didn’t know I was being serious. After we landed, we parted ways. Soon after I finished the job at the cafe, I explored the rest of London. I was looking for another project. Another way to make this beautiful city even more so. I stumbled across this little building in the middle of nowhere. I walked in, and it was a business. It was actually a studio. Low and behold, it was Chris' studio. It was a little run down, and he offered me a job to fix it up. By this time, it was 5 months since I met Alex, and we were already living together. Don't judge me. So, I spent my time working on the studio, which I do admit is absolutely wonderful. After 6 months, I finally finished the studio, and it was almost a professional studio. A few months before I came back to the states, Chris called me up, telling me how Simon Cowell was looking for a small studio, that wasnt really known. I still dont understand why he works at the Arena though..

So.. I have something great in store for you tomorrow. Trust me, you'll love it.. Well at least I hope so.. Actually, part of its a surprise to me to.. I dont really know whats going on there. But anyway, I shouldn't keep you. You have to go to sleep, and you have a busy day to look forward to tomorrow. I love you. Love, Beezy.

I smiled as I set the letter down. She always did have a way of making friends easily. Once, we were at the super market, and this really old women was working the cash register. She had grey hair, which actually looked silver. Her eye make-up was way overdone. She had bright red lipstick on, some of which was on her teeth instead. Wrinkles were on her face, most of which resembled a frown. I guess she frowned so much, she got permanent frown wrinkles.

Well, we were checking out, and this lady was really rude. She didn't have a good attitude at all. It seemed like she woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I mean, the wrong side of the wrong bed at the oppisite side of the north pole. She was that rude. She didnt smile at one customer while we were waiting in line.Finally, we reached the beginnning of the line, and she just grunted at my aunts greeting. Then, out of nowhere, Aunt B told her she had beautiful eyes. The lady stopped what she was doing, and looked at her as if she was crazy. Then she did what I least expected. She smiled.

Aunt B always did have a way with people.. I smiled at the memory, and realized that It was now 2 in the morning.. But to me, it felt like 9 at night. I knew the jetlag was going to kick my butt. Standing up, I neatly put the letter back in the envelope, washed the cup out, and then made my way to my room.

Laying down in bed, I knew that this was just the beginning of this brilliant adventure that B had arranged for me. That night, for the first time in a long time, I fell asleep with a smile on my face.


You guys are awesome! Thank you so much for all your kind comments and wonderful suggestions! Good news! Did any of you guys see that video that @onedirection RT'd from that awards twitter? The one about Directioners? Well I was in it! I was the second girl in the beginning, the one who was talking about lamping, the first to talk about carrots (Sorry Lou.. dont hate me..) and the last person! So pretty much, if one direction saw that, they saw my face, and I was the last face they saw! Heck yea! So anyway.. thanks for being awesome! As always! Have a busy day later! Interviewing the mayor and then getting interviewed for the newspaper! WOHOO. Love ya guys! 

P.S. Dont forget to comment and whatnot! Thanks! (: Love, Brooke!

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