Chapter 10

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It was as if I was frozen in time. I could feel the vibrations of the speakers on my feet, and the lights were making me break into a little sweat. Well, it could have been the lights, or the fact that I was dancing around like a crazy little girl. I may have not known the words to their songs, but that gave me a reason to listen. To really listen to how their voices harmonized. How their voices literally sounded like angels singing. To listen to the lyrics of the song, trying to figure out their true meaning. They weren’t the cliché type of boyband. These guys were special.

Theses guys could actually sing. They actually had talent. Plus, real boybands had synchronized dance moves. The fact that these boys didn’t try too hard, and danced around making fools of themselves made me like them that much more. I couldn't stop the smile that kept on creeping on my face that night. But the thing that took my breath away the most, the thing that made my heart skip a beat numerous times, was the blonde haired boy. Every song, he would look over my way, catching the fact that I was watching him, and we would make eye contact.

I know, I know. Eye contact? Thats it? But it wasn’t the usual eye contact. There was something strong behind it. It was as if he wanted me in his life, as much as I wanted him. Every time, my breath would hitch in the back of my throat, and the butterflies clouded my stomach. As soon as we were break our stares, the girls around me would freak out.

Breathing unsteady, the last song started to play.

Give ya this, give ya that, blow a kiss take it back.

He looked amazing. A smile was plastered on his face, and his outfit change looked breathtaking on him.

If I look inside your brain. I would find lots of things, clothes, shoes, diamond rings. Stuff thats driving me insane.

Eye contact once again. This boy was going to be the death of me.

You could be preoccupied, different date. Every night. You just got to say the word.

Still lost in his eyes, the rest of the words all formed together into on big mumble. It was as if time literally stopped, and it was just me and him. He walked over to where I was, and jumped off the stage. He grabbed my hand, and sang more to me. Not that I would have known what he was singing. Everything was still a blur.

He brought my hand above my head, and spun me around as if I was a ballerina. He kissed my forehead, then made his was back to the stage. Mouth open, I just stood there, staring at him. He looked over at me again, this time, a smirk replaced the smile. He had to know the effect he had on me. He had to know the way he made my heart race.

The music ended, and the lights went down. Niall ran over to the bodyguard in front of me, and whispered something into his ear. He nodded, and Niall ran off of stage. A thousand things were running through my mind as the boys ran off the stage. Everything that has happened these past few days have been so overwhelming. I didn’t expect to be in a foreign country all alone, I didn’t expect to meet a famous popstar. I honestly didn’t expect to even enjoy this trip.

I picked up my bags, and started to head towards the end of the aisle, when the bodyguard Niall whispered to grabbed my arm, stopping me in my tracks.

“Excuse me ma'am?” His face was like a stone. No emotion behind any of the words he said.

“Yes..?” I answered, my voice shaking because of how unsure I was about this situation.

“Mr. Horan requested you to meet him in the place that you first met in 20 minutes.” He said, his face still resembling a stone.

“Mr. Horan?”

“Niall Horan, ma'am.” I smiled, and looked at this man again. Thi time, his face softened, and there was a little glimmer in his eyes.

I smiled, and thanked the man. I walked towards the exit, looking back at him. I smiled as I saw him smiling, and shaking his head.

I made my way toward the park bench, tapping the side of my leg. I didn't know what to expect. I didnt know what he wanted. The only thing that I knew was that I wanted to see him. Even though it may be the last time I would ever see him.

I layed on the grass, which had build up a little dew. The stars were bright, and the sky was clear. It was a beautiful sight. The breeze flowed through my hair, and I took a deep breath. In the distance, I saw a small blonde boy making his way over to me. It wasn’t hard to see the smile that lit up his face. I didn't know what to expect to happen tonight. I defiantly didn't know that this would be the night that changed my whole life.


Hey guys! Thank you so much for all your wonderful feedback! Im  sorry if this chapter is crap. Im still recovering from my wisdom teeth surgery. Wanna hear something crazy? I went in to get 2 out, and the doctor took out all four. He did 2 for free. Why? Because he said if I didnt get them out, I would have had a tumor. Crazy right? I knew they were messing with my sinus' and nerves, but i never thought that there was a possibility of me getting a tumor from it.. Scary shit.

Anywho. Thank you all so much for reading! Keep commenting, voting, and what not! And to all the people who are my 'fans', I love you all! -Love Brooke (: 

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