Chapter 20

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I looked down at the shirt I was wearing while crossing my arms and shooting Niall a dirty look.

“I can't believe I'm wearing this.” Niall smiled and started to grab something out of my bag.

“Smile!” He pointed my Polaroid camera at me and I gave him a dirty look as he snapped a picture.

I quickly took the camera from Niall and grabbed the picture. After shaking it the image finally showed up. I couldn't help but smile. A big heart was on my shirt, in the middle, was Niall. Underneath the heart said 'the future Mrs. Horan'.

I shook my head and looked over at Niall. He still had a huge smile on his face.

“Excuse me sir,” I said, reaching out my arm to get the mans attention. “Can you please take a picture for us?” I smiled as the man shook his head and took the camera. I ran over to Niall and he put his arm around my shoulder. With one hand I did a peace sign, and the other I pointed to Niall's face on my shirt. We both had silly looks on our faces.

The man smiled at me and handed back the camera. “Thank you.” I said while taking a hold of the picture. I smiled at the final picture.

“Ok, where now?” I asked Niall, and he stopped looking at the people walking by to look at me.

“Anywhere you want. But I have something planned at 6, so we have to be done by then!” I gave him a confused looked which made him smile even bigger. “It's a surprise.”

I looked at my watch to see it was only 1, and stood there for a moment contemplating on what to do next.

I grabbed ahold of Niall's hand and pulled him through the crowd. He tensed at first, a surprised look on his face, and then he relaxed. He sped up next to me, lacing his fingers correctly through mine. He shot me a smile, and we continued our way to the next spot. As soon as it was in eye sight, we both stopped and gaped at it.

It was beautiful. There were three domes on top of the building that I could see. We made our way up the hill, to the highest point in Paris. Our hands still intertwined, we made our way inside the building. It was even more amazing. Painted along the top of the dome shape, was a beautiful mural of god. The brick lining the walls was amazing. Everything about this building was amazing.

We explored the rest of the Montmarte & Sacre Coeur Basilica, and then made our way back outside. We stood there for a few minutes just taking in the view of Paris. You could see the whole city from here. Niall removed his hand from mine and moved behind me, hugging me from the back.

“This is amazing.” He whispered in my ear, making me shiver.

“Thank you Niall. Thank you for coming with me.” I turned my head slightly too look at him.

“I wouldn't have it any other way.”


“Niall, can I take this off yet?” I was becoming impatient. For the past 2 minutes, i've been siting in this cab with Niall with a blindfold over my eyes.

“We're almost there babe.” Niall replied while squeezing my hand.

“But Niall, you said that 10 minutes ago...” I whined. Niall just laughed in response.

A few moments passed and silence filled the cab. “Are we there yet..?” I asked with a smirk on my face.

“Actually, we are.” Niall said as the cab came to a gentle stop.

“So does this mean I can take it off?”

“No. Now be quite and get out of the car. You're worse than my 5 year old cousin.” Niall grabbed my hand and helped me out of the car while chuckling. I stumbled as soon as I put my foot out and Niall rested his hand on my waist. “Don't worry, I got you.” He whispered.

He said something to the cab driver and then took my hand. “C'mon, we'll be there in a moment.” I held on to Niall and he lead to me to the destination.

Niall let go of my hand and slowly took off the blindfold. “You can open your eyes now,” he whispered.

I opened my eyes and smiled. The sky was a beautiful orange color and in front of me was a boat.

“I thought maybe on our last night here, we could do something relaxing. Like have dinner on here, and watch the sunset.” Niall smiled and his cheeks were pink.

“Its perfect,” I replied while kissing him on the cheek. “Let's go.” I said while pulling Niall onto the boat with me.

The boat pulled out of the dock, and we made our way onto the deck. There was a little table in the center of the wooden floor and Niall pulled out my seat.

That was something I really liked about Niall. He was such a gentleman.

We ate dinner in silence, but it was perfect. The sun way setting and Niall moved closer to me, taking my hand in one of his. I leaned my head on his shoulder and sighed.

“What?” Niall asked with a worried tone.

“I don't know. This is just so perfect and I've had had such a great time this summer with you.. I just don't want it to end.”

He let go of my hand and moved in his seat. I took my head off his shoulder and looked at him.

“Abygail, this summer has been amazing. You are so amazing. And honestly..” He started leaning in. “I'm really starting to fall for you.” He whispered against my lips, and then finally pressed his lips on mine. The kiss was gentle and slow. I set my hand on his cheek and he slowly pulled away with a smile on his face. “Trust me, I don't want it to end either.” I layed my head back on his shoulder and he played with my hair.

The sky was orange and the breeze started to pick up. Who would have thought that this summer I would be in Paris? Who would have thought that this summer I would fall in love? I took out my camera and pointed it Niall and I. He kissed my cheek and I pressed the button. I wanted to remember this moment. I wanted to remember the moment that I fell for Niall Horan.


Ello chickapoos! How are you? Im wonderful!  

so I have a few pieces of good news! Where to start? Well first off, my mom doesn't need surgery as of right now! Wohoo! And today I hit 80,000 twitter followers. oh, and this story has 13,000+ reads? WHAT? Holy crap. Thank you. And then yesterday, JOSH DEVINE TWEETED ME. omg. Me and him are going to become best friends.

Ok. So shoutout to youcancallmekels(: Thank you for the comment!

Thank you guys for being so sweet and everything! I cant believe I almost have 50 fans on here! Keep commenting and telling me what you like, dont like, what you think! Thank you all for being so sweet and I love you! -Brooke (:

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