Chapter 9

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The sound of rain hitting the window awoke me. I rubbed my eyes, and slowly swung my legs off the edge of the bed. I dragged my feet toward the window, and pulled back the curtain. It was still dark out, a few stars still visible. Making my way back to my bed, I tripped on a floor board. It was sticking up a little bit higher than the rest. Hm, that’s a little weird. I shook my head, and got back up, making my toward my phone on the night stand by my bed. 7 Missed Calls. 18 Text Messages. I made a mental note to check them later. I glanced at the time, and noticed that it was only 4 in the morning. This time change is not my thing; its going to take awhile to get use to. Knowing I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep, I decided that I would explore the rest of the house.

I tried my best to make as little noise as I could. I had my hand running along the wall, making sure I wouldn't fall down the stairs. Step by step, I made my way down the stairs, without tripping. When I first got here, I noticed a little living room down the hall, but hadn’t yet got the chance to see it. I walked in, and loved what I saw. On the left, a fireplace made out of stones took up the wall. No doubt, Aunt B most likely made it. The top of it had little pieces of ceramic tiles, that made little suns and moons. On top of the fireplace, there were a bunch of picture frames. There were pictures of Alex and B, my family back home, and Aunt B with a lot of people whom I hadn't recognized, and my favorite picture of the two of us. On the wall to the right, there was a little TV. Stand, with a little plant on each side of it. The wall left of that had a little love seat, and a wooden coffee table in front of it. It wasn't a big room, yet there was a lot to it. I walked out of the room, and noticed a little door across the hall from it ajar.

I tip-toed my way in, opening the door. I shuddered as it made a squeaking noise. Dangit. I walked in, and searched the wall for the light switch, when I finally found it, I couldn't believe my eyes. It was her studio. It was no question her favorite room in the whole. Shelves lined the whole room, containers and containers of paint resting on top. There was any color imaginable. Cups filled to the brim with different paint brushes, all shaped and sizes. The walls were painted in different pictures. None of them had to do with each other, yet she made them fit together. It was amazing. There was also a little cabinet in the corner, with a padlock on it. My breath got stuck in my throat, as a painting caught my eye. I made my way toward the one painting that was in the middle of the room, sitting on an easel, and the tears streamed down my face.

I outlined the shapes with my fingers. First the face, then the bright blue eyes, then the bright red lips that formed into smile. The paint was blended to make the perfect skin tone. She painted the brown hair perfectly. Making sure to define the waves in it, and the little blonde highlights that use to be there. She painted the big freckle underneath the left eye, as well as the tiny scar above the lip. Then I traced the guitar. Then the blue dress. It was perfect. It was me.

I felt a big hand on my shoulder. Jumping a little, I turned to see Alex smiling down at me.

“She made sure she finished it before she left. She wouldn't even leave this room.”

“Its perfect.” Those were the only words that I was able to mutter out.

“Why don’t you hop in the shower? Ill make some breakfast.”

And I did just that.

Alex and I discussed the days plans over breakfast. He was going to drop me off at the O2, and then I was to find Chris. We went into the city before he dropped me off, and he gave me a little tour. He showed me all these little shops and parks that no tourists would know about. At 5, he dropped me off in front of a huge arena, which I assumed to be the O2.

My floral skirt flowed in the wind, as I made my way towards the ticket counter. The rain cleared up, but the sun was still hidden by the clouds. It was a fairly warm day, but the wind did make it a little cooler. I wrapped my arms around my body, attempting to keep warm, and a young women smiled at me. “How can I help you?!” Her voice was enthusiastic, and a little bit high pitched.

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