Chapter 7

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A/N Hey guys! Sorry its been a couple days since I posted! I've had alot going on with my family and other issues! Sorry if its not the best! Please, leave comments on what you think, and thank you all for rating and for those who have become my fans! I love you guys! - Brooke


Walking down the streets of London, I couldn't help but notice how beautiful the city really was. Even the buildings that were tagged with graffiti were interesting. People all around were walking fast, on their cell phones, not even admiring what was around them. I could guess that they have been in this city hundreds of times, and not noticed anything about it. I wasn't exactly sure what she meant by a cafe that caught my eye, but when I saw it, I knew. It was a little cafe placed on the corner of a busy street. On one side of the cafe was a big, fancy looking hotel. On the other side was a parking garage, for the hotel I assumed. It really did look out of place. The bottom of the cafe was made out of stone, the top painted a light teal color. There was a tiny hand painted sign that hung above the door. It said "Wishing Well Cafe" and had a little teacup next to it. It was quite adorable. This had to be the cafe Aunt B was talking about.

A little bell on top of the door rattled as I walked inside the cafe. The inside was absolutely breath taking. There was a glass mural on the counter behind the wall of a little garden full of all types of flowers. There were little tables in the cafe, some painted, some with pictures protected by a layer of glass. Picture frames hung on the wall, with little kids drinking tea. I walked up to the counter, and noticed it was also painted, to match the mural on the wall. Something painted on the corner caught my eye. Slowly, I made my way to the edge, and saw it was my aunts signature. Before I knew what I was doing, I found myself tracing along the writing with my fingers.

"You ok deary?" An elderly woman asked. I turned around to see a 80-or-so woman in front of me. Her eyes shifted to see what I was rubbing, and a small smile formed on her lips. "You must be Abygail."

She took my hand and lead me to a little table by the window of the shop. I leaned my guitar against the window, and looked at the lady sitting across the table from me. She looked quite tired, or maybe it was just the old age. She explained to me the arrangement she had made with my aunt while I sipped a cup of hot tea. She told me storied about Alex and my aunt. I noticed a little sparkle in her eye when she was talking about how she could tell they would fall in the love. I said my good-byes as I got off and brushed the crumbs off my shorts from the crumpet i had. "Wait!" I hear Charlotte scream when I was halfway out the door. She handed me yet another envelope, and made her way back to the counter.

Grabbing my guitar, I walked the streets once again to find the perfect place to play. Green trees lined the sidewalk, and I found my way to this little park a few blocks down from the cafe. There was a little area with a few picnic tables, which were full with families. I sat down on a bench, a little ways away from the people. Opening my guitar case, I grabbed 'B". My aunt had always told me how wonderful I had been at playing it, I had decided to name it after her. I tuned the guitar, and then started to play a song I wrote. A smiled reached my face as I strummed B. It felt like I was in another world, all alone, doing what I loved to do. I didn't even notice I was singing until I needed to take a deep breath. Then I noticed the amount of people gathered around me. There were adults and kids, people all ages actually. As I sang, there was this little old couple in the back dancing. Actually, they were swaying, but it still was adorable. I finished off the song, and people all around clapped. It felt good to actually let people listen to my music.

I put my guitar back in its case, while people came up to me telling me that I had a great voice. I smiled at them, and thanked each and every one of them. I turned my head to see a very handsome boy sitting next to me. He didn't say a word to me, instead, he just smiled. I took a minute to actually look at him. He had blonde hair, with a little bit of brown at the roots. He had a beautiful smile, even though he had braces. Then I saw his eyes. They were a beautiful blue color. It may sound cliche, but they were the color of the ocean. I smiled back at him, still taking in his beautiful features.

"You are amazing." That’s all he said to me. I recognized that he didn't have a british accent, but he did have one.

"Thank you." said blushing into a smile, tying to break the awkward silence between us.

"What's your nam--"

"NIALLLLLL. COME ON. PAULS GETTING MAD. WE HAVE TO GO." Another guy with a plaid shirt yelled, interrupting him.

"It was nice meeting you love. I have to go. Sorry." He said quickly, kissing my cheek before running off.

I was left sitting in a park, all alone, in London, speechless.

Summer of PromisesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang