Chapter Eighteen: Comforting Sounds

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The house was still and quiet.

It was in these moments, when Miles and the kids were away that I felt a bit of loneliness to swell up in me. I was used to the chaos and the noise that had come with my previous life. The girls in the brothel were always floating around during the day, and clients took up my evenings. My free days weren't for myself but for everyone else.

It wasn't that I didn't like the fact that the kids were in school or that Miles was working. I loved that the kids were getting an education I had been denied. It was just that I wasn't used to being all alone in a large house. I was used to busyness and the fact that I wasn't busy or surrounded by it made me very uncomfortable.

I was alone with my thoughts. Only accompanied by the the gentle tap of my pencil against the table as I stared down at the math problem in frustration. I blew out a long breath, before I slammed the book closed and pushed it away from myself. I rubbed at my forehead, I couldn't understand the problems. I had decided to finish up my schooling now that I had the time to devote to it.

Miles had encouraged me when I suggested I get my GED, he had even taught me how to drive so I could get my lisence. I was beginning to feel like the normal life that had alluded me all this time was coming to fruition. I eyed the discarded math book. That was if I could actually grasp what was being introduced to me. My math level was more advanced. Who knew that being a brothel worker made sure you were very good at math? I certainly hadn't, so when I had been been tested it had come to a surprise to me to be bumped up to more advanced levels of math.

I slowly reached out and pulled the book back towards me. I had to at least try. I opened the page, rereading the instructions, going to the back of the book for the definitions of words I didn't quite understand. However, no matter how many times I looked it over, it was still muddled for me. I didn't like beating myself up about it but it really did make me feel stupid.

I let out a heavy breath and wished I hadn't finished all of my English assignments. Those had been very easy for me. It had been so simple and easy to understand. I didn't understand how I could feel so smart in one subject but dumb in another.

My phone rang and I tapped on the flexible screen wrapped around my wrist. "Hello." I rested my head on my hand as I tapped my pencil against the math book.

"Te amo." At his rumbling voice a faint heat rolled across the tops of my cheeks. He was just so fucking sexy.

"Te amo." I repeated it back to him and he chuckled. "What's up?" He didn't usually call me during his work hours, although I appreciated the break from my math. That and I really loved listening to his voice. I swear he could talk to me forever and I would be happy with nothing else.

"Just letting you know I'll be home early and if you wanted me to pick up some supper on my way home." At that I wanted to give a squeal of excitement as I immediately lifted my head and waved my hands with happiness.

"Ooooooh, get some takeout from that restaurant we ate at last week when we celebrated Azuka gaining his grade eleven equivalent. Those lemon dry ribs were so good!" I had been craving them since I had them. They were damn near heavenly. Just thinking about them made my mouth water.

He gave another chuckle. "I will do that, bonita." There was murmur from the background and Miles responded rapidly. "Don't forget mama is coming for supper on saturday. She has ordered me to pick up all the ingredients for a big Korean meal because she is bringing all the girls." That thought had me giddy. I hadn't really seen all the girls since I had left and I really did miss them. I just hoped they missed me just as much.

"Is Keeki coming too?" I couldn't help but ask the question. I missed the half feral male. He was such a staple living in the brothel that I missed seeing him around, always letting me know he was there watching to keep me safe.

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