9{The Nanny}

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Alexis's pov

I watched as the last boxes were brought in

Harry was instructing the men where to go Harry had given me the room across the hall from him Darcy's was the first door to the left of the hall so 2 rooms from me

My new room was pretty damn big but Harry told me I could come use his bathroom to shower in and all because the room he gave me was 'far' from the other bathroom that had a shower I think he just wanted me in his room I laughed at my thoughts then walked into the room which Harry had just walked into

I gasped at the new edition that I knew I hadn't owned before the most beautiful antique vanity it was stained cherry wood and had a huge tri fold mirror I grabbed Harry as he was opening a box "w-what's that?"

"Mm? Oooh thats your new vanity when we went and picked up your furniture I saw your old one it was particle board and I didn't like it at all so I took the bows off it and your makeup off it and we left it for your sister but I bought you a better one I mean you have an amazing talent for makeup so you deserved something better" he smiled

I stared at it "Harry t-that's beautiful ooh my god"

"I knew you'd like it your makeup is on the bed if you wanna go start on that I'm just hanging up your clothes" I nodded as much as my brain screamed

'Don't be rude help him'

I louder voice yelled


Needless to say that voice won I grabbed Harry and kissed him "THANK YOU THANK YOU" I then ran picking up my makeup and sitting at the vanity I pulled out the clear organizers and set them up pulling my makeup in squealing to myself as I did so

I guess I got really into it because soon after I felt hands on my shoulders "I've finished how do you organize your dresser?"

I jumped and turned how had he put up all my clothes I didn't have a lot but still I looked and he had even divided my dresses, jackets, shirts, and pants into sections

"Ooo thank you I'm sorry I'll come help" I blushed realizing I was supposed to be this man's maid and I was goofing around with makeup while he was doing work

"No you're fine I'll do it" he pushed down my shoulders as I went to stand

"Really I'll come help I'm being so rude" I stood up regardless he smiled

"Okay love tell me what to do and I'll do it" he hummed I walked to the boxes

"Socks and underwear, tank tops and sleep shirts, then sweat pants last drawer I put stuff in like not clothes" he nodded and grabbed pile of tank tops and I pulled out the drawer for him he put them in then grabbed the shirts as I put in my underwear

We both grabbed socks and threw them in all that's left was pictures and decorations "you can decorate however you like" he smiled "as long as you promise me it'll be aesthetically pleasing" I laughed and nodded

"I'll make it as aesthetically pleasing as I possibly can" I assured

"Lovely I've got to shower I'll come check on you in a bit" he pulled down his curly brown hair from the bun it had been in and walked out to his room

I clapped and started pulling out all the wall decor Harry had left a hammer and nails along with tacks

I had up my string up pictures that were me, friends, and family plus a few of my dog which I couldn't bring here with me because I knew Nuk Nuk would hurt Darcy he may not mean it but he was very big and rough so it was bound to happen eventually

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