68{She's Clever}

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Harry's pov

I put a pacifier in Lydia's mouth to quiet her down a bit she just had a bath which always makes her fussy

Mike's in there now but surprisingly he is quiet I put her on my shoulder

"Daddy!" I turned to the nursery door to Darcy

"Yes darling?" I hummed walking out in the hall with her

"When dinner ready? I'm hungry" I put my hand in her head

"Right now mummy made chicken and potato salad so go have a seat and I'll make you a plate" I smiled she nodded and ran ahead I walked in the kitchen pulling out a cartoon plate it had power puff girls on it putting chicken on it then a scoop of potato salad

"Daddy?" I turned Darcy was behind me

"Yes honey?" She bit her lip

"I have juice box?" I laughed and nodded

"You can have a juice box" she squeaked and ran to the fridge grabbing one then ran back out to the table I laughed and finished her plate bringing it over I set it down kissing her head "eat up sugar plum"


"Yes pumpkin?" She giggled cause I'd called her a whole handful of nicknames

"Can I put on the tv?" She pointed to it I nodded

"Sure go head" I nodded "I'm gunna go see mummy I'll be back in a second"

I walked back down the hall to my bedroom stepping in "Alexis you ready for dinner my love?" She was dressing Mike

"Yeah" she picked him up and walked back with me she set Mike in his bouncer and I set Lydia in hers we both got plates and sat back down

"Mummy?" Darcy looked at her Alexis hummed "do I have to go to schoooool?" She whined Alexis laughed

"Yeah love you do" Alexis combed her hand through Darcy's hair "but mummy will always be home when you come back" she smiled "and your brother and sister will be here too"

She nodded "well do I have to go 5 days?"

"I'm afraid so 5 days a week 7 hours a day" Alexis laughed

"Well do I-"

"Yes every week" Alexis cut her off

"Oh poo" Darcy pouted

I laughed "well you still have dance class sugar plum"

"Ooh I do like that" she nodded smiling again

"See it works out" one of the twins started balling Alexis went to set her fork down "no no I've got it" I got up and saw it was Lydia her pacifier fell out I picked her up and grabbed it from the floor to go wash it off

Just as I put it in her mouth there was a knock well since I'm up I walked to the door opening it I was dumbstruck

"The cops are questioning me an awful lot I assume it's your fault"

"Father hi yes I'm fine and you? Oh and yes this is my daughter she's beautiful I know" I forced a smile

"I'm not here to play games they have my laptop and some files how'd they know to look in my files?" He completely ignored me

"Come in we'll talk"

"I'll stay here and talk" he crossed his arms

I felt a hand on my back "I assume you're here to ask me to leave Harry or should I be expecting another man to drop in?" Alexis chimed in

My father just stared at her "I did it but I'm not going to jail for it I'll pay bail" he shrugged "and if you'd leave that'd be great take your sloppy children with you" he waved a hand at her

"Sloppy children? You just said that about your own grandchildren" I hissed

"Look Harry I wouldn't have claimed you either if you mother didn't die" he may have thought that would have hurt my feeling but I'd known that from the start "anyway just drop the charges it's pointless"

"See I'm not a cop and I'm not a lawyer I'm a CEO I just can't do that for you sorry" I shrugged carelessly

"Mm" he looked at Lydia "might just be cute if her mother wasn't a fat bitch" he mumbled
Alexis's nails dug into my back

"That was uncalled for and you know it that was dirty" I'm surprised he'd make such a low blow

"I'm a proper man I don't mess up my own name or dirty my own hands but you're both pushing me" he looked at Alexis "if I wasn't a gentleman I'd probably smack you in that snide mouth of yours"

"Thank you really I mean thank you cause see I've got you recorded" she held up her phone which had recorded everything "so I assume your bright enough to understand what's going to happen here I suggest you leave"

"Give me that phone" my father reached for it Alexis yanked it back still recording

"Eat shit" she shrugged

"I'll knock your teeth out you Fat-" I kicked him in the stomach he groaned and hunched over I shoved Alexis out of the way and slammed the door locking it my back against it only seconds after I heard my father knocking and yelling

"Send it to me and I'll send it to the detective" she nodded clicking around my phone buzzed but she didn't stop clicking

"What are you doing?"

"Sending it to Mary and whoever else I feel like" she mumbled I wasn't gunna stop her I ignored my foul mouth father and messaged the recording to the detective

Mike was crying too now I'm sure the noise was a lot to handle Alexis went and picked him up "Harry?" I looked at her from my screen


"I'm requesting a restraining order against your father until the trail is held"

"Amazing" I nodded

"And... I think I'm done with this engagement" my jaw dropped

"What I-I.. we no no we've been having such an amazing time recently Alexis the kids are doing great Darcy is starting school you can't-"

"I want to be married Harry" she spoke and the world stood still for a second "I want to be married to you now Harry"

My mouth was dry ,dessert landscape dry, "I thought you wanted a December wedding?"

"Looks like I want a November wedding now" that's next month I nodded when words failed me

"Okay November... what day?"


"I'll make some calls"

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