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Harry's pov

I revised my typing fixing my few spelling errors then typing a bit more detail then rechecked and sent the e-mail

I leaned back in my chair I clicked on my phone the picture of Darcy lit up showing me another hour before I get to go home

I groaned and jumped when my doors open I glared as my receptionist scurried over holding something to me "why didn't you knock?" I inquired first

She looked horrified "I-I thought you said anything to do with you're wife is urgent..." I sat up

"My wife? What about her?" I instantly thought what if she's in labor?

"It's in here" she mumbled I took it cocking an eyebrow she turned on her heel practically running out

I flipped the magazine my way and frowned it was pictures of Alexis and another man

One was of her in a store and him talking to her she's heavily pregnant to this is recent and another ,obviously of another day because they had on different clothes, out to lunch together he was touching on her ,on her arm and she had her hand on his

Another she is leaned in his neck

They were drinking from the same damn drink

Her in his fucking car

I stood up and turned off my computer clutching the glossy magazine I grabbed my phone and bag walking out

"Mr.Valentine! Sir your meeting is in-"

"Cancel it" I growled cutting off the little blonde girl

"S-sir with all due respect you-"

I glared "reschedule then I'm going home now" I ignored anything else she said and got in the car I was speeding I was pissed

I called Curtis "yes Mr.Val-"

"Get to my house now Curtis" I hung up

I pulled up a dangerously short time later I stepped in Curtis was on the sofa with Alexis and Niall Darcy in Niall's lap

"Darcy go in your room" all of them jumped looking at me

"Oh daddy!" She got up holding her arms open to me but I simply pointed

"Darcy go in your room now" I repeated her face fell

"But daddy-"

"NOW DARCY LEE" I screamed she gasped and ran off

"Harry what's going on?" Alexis asked looking confused

"You!" I threw the magazine on the table in front of her "you're cheating on me!" I hissed

She blinked rapidly "w-what?" She looked down at it shaking her head "that's my friend Emmanuel we were best friends in high school"

"So he's a fling from high school great I don't care I wanna know why you're with him" I crossed my arms glaring at her

"Because we were catching up and having lunch together Harry I never cheated on you you're being outrageous" she pushed the magazine away she sounded like she wasn't taking me seriously

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