69{White Dress}

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3rd person pov

"So wait it's November now?"

"Yes she wants to be married now and hell so do I I love her but will you be able to make it?...I can't pick a new best man" Harry typed as he spoke on the phone to Niall

"Yes I know I'm the one and only yes I'll be there but that's sudden Harry what if people can't make it?" Niall was also typing up emails from his own office in Ireland

"I'm resending emails now so no replies yet but I mainly picked the guest list Alexis doesn't have much family she had a list of 5 people she wanted there ,you included, so 4 of her own people I don't think she minds that I've made the list designers and other CEOs" Harry shrugged pressing send making that 25 people done and 55 more to go

"I'm excited she'll look damn fine is a wedding dress" Niall chuckled I rolled my eyes

"She looks damn fine in anything" I corrected

"Aye you've got me there anyway I haven't gotten the tux she wanted yet can you ask her to resend me the link to get it I'll order it today"

"Yeah I'll tell her and don't stress too much she, her sister, and I are going out to get my tux and to get her dress she's got some she's picked out and gotta try on but I'm kinda clueless" Harry sighed leaning back giving his eyes a second to relax from his computer screen

Niall laughed "she picked mine out I'm home free better pick well curls look I gotta go new batch gotta taste test but get me that link"

"Will do bye Ni"

"Bye Hazz" he hung up first and Harry cracked his knuckles going back at the emailing


"I'm so excited! so excited!" Lexa squeaked

"Please sis you're gunna wake the twins" Alexis rubbed her shoulder laughing

"Oh sorry sorry" she covered her mouth giggling Harry pulled up and got out taking Lydia out Alexis got out taking Michael

"I'll meet you girls soon okay? I've got one bottle with me but if she's still hungry I'll bring her over I love you baby girl" Harry kissed Alexis "see ya Lexa" he waved going into the men's suit shop while the girls went into the bridal shop

"What color is Darcy's dress?" Lexa asked as they walked back into the dressing area

"Black Harry's tux should be black too that's what I told him"

"Oh so red, black, and white are your colors? That's so gothic chic" Lexa joked her dress is red and groomsmen are in black tux with red button ups

"Harry's okay with it so..." she shrugged

"Hi ladies you have an appointment?" A clerk asked

"I do yes Styles I've got dresses pre-picked"

"Oooh yes room 3" she walked off Alexis and Lexa following behind

"Your 3 are on the rack here first one" she handed Alexis a dress and Lexa took Mike sitting down the clerk walked off to to help another woman

Alexis went in the fitting room and pulled it on it was a skin tight mermaid type of dress she stepped out

"Oh sexy I like it" Lexa complimented

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