35{Is It True?}

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Harry's pov

I smirked and picked up my phone it was time I call Niall and tell him about the baby last night we popped in on Alexis's sister and told her

Hannah found out and came over offering a congratulations and offered some of Daisy's old clothes if we had another girl

I ate at my finger as my phone rang "Aye! Harold!" He answered I smirked

"Hey mate I've got a bit of news for you and hopefully you haven't heard about it already" I stood up just waiting for a reply

"I've been trying my best to keep away from trashy magazines" he sounded pretty proud

"Well in about 8 months you'll have to fly over again to meet someone" I bit my lip

"Meet someone...? The hell are you talking about?"

"Alexis is pregnant mate you've gotta come see the baby when it's born" I paced around my office

"Ya fuckin with me mate?" He sounded shocked

"No she's pregnant man I'm going to the doctors appointment with her today you're an uncle again" I laughed

"SHIT THATS FUCKIN BRILLIANT I'll come while she's still pregnant like the week before the due date I'd love to see Alexis pregnant" he was cooing on the other end of the phone

"Great we'll be glad to see you" I huffed "I haven't told Darcy yet I'm scared she won't take it well"

"She's a big girl... but I do see where you're coming from I mean she'll learn to live with it she's gunna have to"

I nodded "yeah well I'll let you know when we find out the sex"

"Yes! I'm gunna spoil that wee one!"

"You think you can out do what you did for Darcy? You had a whole nother car of Baby stuff for her" I laughed remembering seeing he getting out one car then opening the door to the other and just seeing pink fluff and bows

"I'll have 2 this time" he chuckled "I expect the same from you when I have a wee one" I smirked

"I'll buy out an entire Baby gap fucker don't test me"

"That'd a boy" he laughed back "AYE OFF YER ARSE" he screamed "I gotta go mate bloody bastards think it's nap time"

"I'll call you later Ni" he hung up yelling I looked at my time on the phone


Her appointment was at 2:30 I grabbed my blazer and logged off my computer packing my tablet and walked out I jumped when a girl was in front of me

"Can I help you?"

She swallowed hard and shakily held out a piece of paper I rolled my eyes and took it

"Y-your father c-called and left that message" she stuttered

I hope what I've read isn't true
You're mother expects you and Darcy for Christmas
See you in 3 months

I sighed deeply what could he have read? He never reads rival magazines specially not Malik's

I nodded "shred this and next time he calls transfer it to me regardless of what he says"

I gave her the paper and walked past

"S-Sir?" I turned back to her

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