61{Leave Him}

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Alexis's pov

I bounced "come on now buddy I know it's loud but I can't make the rain stop" Mike was not having the thunder he hadn't stopped crying since a sudden loud boom woke him up

"Baby come on now" I cooed it was only 2 pm and it looked like night time I debated on calling Harry and just triple checking he was okay but he only went in for a meeting he'll be back

he's a grown man I've got to stop checking up on him as if he were Darcy and I have to stop worrying well I couldn't call Niall either he took Darcy to the movies as a good bye he had to leave tomorrow and I'll miss him so much he helps me and he's just the sweetest with her

I plopped on the bed he still cried so I started rocking him I jumped when an extra loud pop happened then the lights went out I huffed "great" I laid back and put him on my chest maybe my heart beat could calm him

I jumped when my phone rang and speaking of the devil I picked up "baby!" I cheered as I answered

"Hey princess how's home life?" He chuckled

"I hate it when are you gunna be home?" I rushed biting my lip

"That's actually what I called about... I'm gunna be a little later than planned"

My face fell "no" I whined "oh Harry no" I pouted

"I know I know I'm sorry Baby girl but it's okay I will be home tonight in time for dinner"

"Dinner? Harry that's like 5pm"

"Yes I'm sorry but I have to stay a bit later the meeting was postponed an hour for late arrivals then we had a sub topic that took longer to discuss than planned but I promise I'll be home for dinner okay?" He sounded hopeful I sighed

"Yeah okay"

"Thank you Baby girl I'll make this up to you I love you!" He said with extra pep

"I love you too" I tried to sound less whiny he hung up and I threw my phone onto the bed next to me I threw my head backed into the pillow

I closed my eyes trying to silently will time to go by faster so he could be home but it didn't happen what I thought was a decent 5 minutes gone by was actually just 1 and Mike still was crying

I frowned hearing something... it wasn't the rain or Michael no it was something else... it's-It's squeaking... I sat up

was Niall and Darcy back? Was Harry messing with me by telling me all that then showing up? I got up and set Mike in the crib with Lydia was still pleasantly sleeping regardless of the thunder and crying

"BABE!?" I yelled and stared down the hall I squinted to see in the dark "HARRY?!" I didn't see anyone ,or anything for that matter too dark, "Niall? DARCY?!" I got to the living room then frowned

The front door was open ,wide open, with wet foot prints walking in I swallowed hard and slowly walked over I leaned out the door looking for Harry's car or Niall's rental but I didn't see any cars I shivered and slammed the door I froze my hand still on the handle as I heard the squeaking again

I turned looking around I walked along the wall holding it I peeked in the kitchen flipping the switch but of course no light I groaned I stepped in and furrowed my eyebrows my foot went in something wet then gulped as lighting lit the room for me there was more soggy foot prints

whoever it is... is in my house

I turned and hauled ass back to the bedroom I got in the room and slammed the door locking it I ran to the bed for my phone I felt frantically over the sheets


My heart is pounding I could feel the thump all over my body as I realize... they were in here I snatched up the land line but dial tone floods into my ears I threw the phone I ran to the crib I picked up Lydia and Mike I put them on the bed I looked around I grabbed the blanket at the end of the bed wrapping them both up tightly

I pressed them to my chest and threw open the bedroom door I screamed falling back onto my bum seeing a body in the darkness of the hallway I kicked the door closed and turned myself so my back was against it my scream woke Lydia and now they were both crying I bit my lip "ooh god ooo my god" tears slipped I jumped hearing noises then the front door slam I hit my head on the door to ready myself

I got up and opened the door I peeked out I looked across the hall both nursery doors are open I glanced down the hall again then walked around I held the twins tighter seeing heads ripped off Lydia's teddy bears I backed up and glanced in Mike's room the same scene I stepped out and put my arm on the wall to guide me down the hall

I walked slowly I gasped feeling something wet I jumped away from the wall I backed up and stared lightening lit the house and on the wall in red paint read

Leave him

I ran out the house the rain pelted me I went left running barefoot on the sidewalk my babies screaming I got into the driveway of Curtis I hit the door frantically after what seemed like minutes it opened

"Mrs.Valentine?" He frowned deeply

"SOMEONE WAS IN THE HOUSE THEY GOT MY PHONE THEY RIPPED HEADS OF THE BABIES STUFFED ANIMALS!" I screamed all in one rushed sentence he just stared then pulled me in

"I-I'll get you a towel and call the police I have a land line try for Harry" he put me on his sofa running to get me a towel I set the twins down and started to check them over just to make sure "here" I looked up Curtis had a towel and phone I took them both as he stepped out of the room I wrapped myself up and dialed Harry's number

No answer I tried again, and again, and again... nothing

I put it on the table "you got him?" I snapped my head his way I shook my head "we'll get him are you okay Alexis? What's that on your arm?"

I lifted it "p-paint... they defaced the wall" I whispered

"Police are on the way it's alright"

"N-no it's not" I shook my head "they want me to leave Harry"

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