28{Cover Page Princess}

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Alexis's pov

I hung up the last clean and freshly dried princess dress in Darcy's closet

"Mummy can I have gold fish?" She asked sitting on her bed behind me

"Uhh yeah give me a minute though okay" she gave a confirming hum I finally got them all straight and in color order I blew my bangs from my face "sooo goldfish?" She hopped up and ran out ahead of me

I laughed and followed her I pulled out a small bowl dumping in goldfish handing it to her she ran away

I stared at the bag biting my lip I couldn't help it I pulled out another bowl and poured myself some I rolled the bag back up and clipped it

I went on the sofa next to Darcy loony tunes was on and you could never go wrong with that

"GIRLS DADDYS HOME!" We both jumped and looked to Harry was he stepped in Darcy ran to him ,she could be a damn track star with all the running she does in this house, she hugged his leg her bowl still in hand

I set mine on the coffee table walking over he smirked leaning up from hugging Darcy he held his arms open to me and yanked me against him as soon as he got a grip on me I gasped and hummed unable to even squeak because Harry rammed his tongue into my mouth as he kissed me

He pulled away slowly "here my love the newest issue" he handed me a package I clapped

"I love getting these" I took it and ran back to the sofa so I could open the wrapping around it Harry followed me Darcy still hanging on his leg

I tore the brown wrapping off and flipped it face up my jaw dropped there I was on the cover

Valen Magazine
May Issue

sign in my hand dressed in the outfit he picked my mouth was dry my fingers felt numb "w-why a-am I on th-the cover?" I mumbled looking at him

"I told you I'd set everything straight my love I lied there was no other model that didn't show I just wanted to let me take pictures of you" I shook my head and looked back down

"this... this isn't okay your sales are gunna plummet no one is gunna want it if I'm on it!" I panicked and started reading little side texts around it

Meet my girlfriend Alexis

Happily dating more info pg 1-6

"Don't be ridiculous" he rolled his eyes "it's just fine millions are people are gunna read now go to the designated pages" he spoke excitedly but also assertively I flipped to page one

We are dating this is confirmation of our year long relationship

Around the page was pictures of us from the pop places we've gone and one of me on his sofa braiding Darcy's hair

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Alexis is not a model ,but she could be if she wanted, she is a nurse but does not currently work she stays home and watches my daughter due to complications finding a job

Pictures of me and Darcy and one of me in my scrubs

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Lots of lies were told about us, about her a big one being a word about her size the would should have been perfect because that is what she is but a countless number of magazines ,which I'd love to name and call out but due to professionalism I won't, called her horrid things leading me to believe they had to make up things because the stuff they wrote was more interesting then the truth

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