39{Holidays Don't Stop Business}

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Alexis's pov

I fixed my brown suede dress I pulled the pencil skirt down straightening it then sat down fluffing my curled hair spraying it a bit more using the mirror on my vanity to see

I saw Harry step in he was in a brown suit with a cream button up "do I look okay? Was the turkey good? Do we have wine? Is it chilled? Is Darcy dressed? Do-" I bombarded him with questions

"Princess" he cut me off but he did it sweetly

he walked over and stroked my hair "you look good don't forgot the gold belt and I'll get you heels, the turkey is fantastic, we have chilled wine, and Darcy has her cream dress on everything is okay" he soothed me my nerves were fried he knew it

It's 3 days before thanksgiving Harry has invited the CEO of Gucci over for dinner which he said they were friends but he was still one of Harry's major business partners

"Tomas is a nice guy okay? I've had him for dinner before turn around I put your heels on" I turned and he walked to the closet getting out black heels he walked back slipping them on my feet

"I'll go check on the food one more time" I stood but Harry grabbed me

"Relax okay breath don't stress out my babies" he rubbed my sides "let me get your belt on you" he picked it up and clipped it on around my upper waist

"After you check on the food you sit down and play on your phone or something just calm" he kissed me and let me walk out I played with my necklace walking to the kitchen

I made turkey, mash potatoes, potato salad, macaroni, sweet potatoes, deviled eggs, corn casserole, and an Oreo pie for dessert

When I came back Harry was on the phone pacing he saw me making him smile holding up one finger to tell me to give him a minute

I leaned on the doorframe looking at the rings that adorned his fingers moving my own fingers to feel the ring he gave me

His rings were sexy as hell I loved his hands so large but so well proportioned to his body and they were hard but soft to the touch... does that make sense?

"Great bye" he hung up and motioned me over I walked over smiling

"He'll be here in 5 minutes be prepared I'm calling you my wife" I laughed and nodded kissing him

"Let's get Darcy into the living room" he held my hand and walked us to her room

"Darcy honey" we peeked into her room she was playing with barbies

She looked back at us "hi mummy hi daddy" she greeted and stood up running over to us

"Is that the Barbie mummy got you?" It was the Hispanic brown haired Barbie

"YESSS" she squeaked

I kissed her head "come on it's just about time for dinner come sit on the sofa"

"Can I bring my Barbie?" She held it up

"Uhh yeah sugar plum why not" I looked at Harry and he nodded shrugging

Harry grabbed her hand and he walked us all to the living room I jumped when there was a knock

"And there he is" Harry laughed he let Darcy go and she ran to the sofa plopping down but he didn't let me go so I followed he opened it

not what I expected

This guy was young like mid 20's young he had slick brown hair and green eyes with sharp features but not like Harry

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