17{Relationship Labels}

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Harry's pov

I stepped out of the bathroom dropping my towel as I walked to my dresser

I pulled out a fresh pair of boxers slipping them on it was 7am and I had to leave in 30 minutes I frowned when I smelled something

I sniffed the air and furrowed my eyebrows "food?" I questioned I walked to my door and opened it the smell was stronger I walked down my hall and to the kitchen

In a tank top and fluffy booty shorts was Alexis she was dancing around while there was bacon cooling, pancakes in a stack, and what smelled like hashbrowns in the microwave

I started to drool "Alexis?" She didn't turn I leaned around and saw headphones in her ear that's what she was dancing too I smirked and walked closer

I grabbed her hips she gasped and turned her thick hair hitting me in the chest like a wave at least it wasn't in a ponytail that would have really hurt

"Defiantly not as smooth as I intended" I frowned she had her head phone out and heard

"Ooo Baby Im sorry I wasn't expecting to be grabbed" she kinda laughed

"I wasn't expecting you to be up" I cocked an eyebrow

"Yeah I woke up to make you breakfast" she said cheerfully

I jolted back a little "You woke up to cook for me?"

She nodded "yeah you rarely eat unless I make you something and you have to have breakfast Baby"

I shook my head "never have I ever had a woman who cooked me breakfast or who cared so much about me" I pushed her against the cabinets pinning her there

"Or had boobs like mine" she teased I chuckled

"You're the fucking best" I kissed her deeply sucking her lip she pulled away making me growl I grabbed the back of her head and forced her to kiss me again only letting go as I was getting breathless

"Mmm morning to you too" she moaned against my lips

I smirk and kissed her bottom lip before pulling away "I think I should cuff you to me to keep you from running away" I joked

"I wouldn't run but I do like cuffs" she rubbed my chest

Motherly, sexy, and Kinky?!

Marry me now!

I frowned at my own thoughts she wasn't even my girlfriend I'd never asked her out and that wasn't gunna fly I could not go another day with her not mine

I need her I had to have some claim over her to prove she's mine

"How long have we been seeing each other Alexis?" I asked as she was turned away from me doing something

"Mmm about 6 months now" she hummed I nodded thinking the same time frame she turned and pushed a packed full plate to me

I took it gratefully and kissed her before walked to the table to eat "6 amazing months" I mumbled that's longer than any of my other relationships but I can't count it because I never asked her out

Way to go Harold I scolded myself mentally

After I ate I stood and brought my plate to the sink she was putting everything away and cleaning up I grabbed her thighs just for the sake of wanting to

"You're a grabby son of a bitch aren't you" Alexis laughed

"If you weren't so sexy maybe I wouldn't be so grabby" I leaned to her neck and kissed

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