44{Model for Me}

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Harry's pov

I groaned it felt like we'd only just got home like I was finally free of my father and his wife but no it's January

I'd coddled my Baby girl and cupcake for 12 days we discussed wedding ring ideas and all but instead of going to look for a ring together now She told me a bunch of things she wanted in it so it was kinda hard for me to mess up at this point which is great I'd rather be nit-picked now then buy her a ring she doesn't like and have her fake it forever

She still wanted to be surprised too so I was turned down the together shopping but also I was turned down because I was trying to weasel out of my photo shoot yes my Gucci shoot is today and I dreaded having to go but at least Alexis will be there but Darcy is at a birthday party Alexis scheduled her shoot on a different date

"Harry come here! Be ready I don't want you trying to make us late!" Alexis yelled to me I was caught I stomped down the hall to see Alexis on Darcy's bed tying a bow in her hair she peeked at me

"Harold you've got to stop pouting dear you'll do fine" she giggled and stood up with Darcy "let's gooo" she sang walked out as she passed me a spanked her

I'd spanked her much harder and louder than I meant to she was fine there was plenty there so it wouldn't hurt her but it made her scowl at me my hand actually stung a bit

"DADDY!" I turned to Darcy

"Yes?" I asked

"YOU NO HIT MUMMY!" I went wide eyed as she walked over to me putting her hands on her hips "Mummy is a good girl and she not deserve spankings don't be mean daddy" she corrected me and an uncontainable smile spread over my face

"Daddy's only being goofy sugar plum"

"Nooo! You hurt mummy's feelings! Tell mummy you sorry for spanking her" she pointed at Alexis

I looked at Alexis who had her mouth covered giggling "oooh mummy I'm sorry I spanked you" I cracked up a bit but pulled it together as Darcy death glared me

"Ooh daddy that's okay I forgive you because I love you so much" she mocked my tone I looked at Darcy she nodded and walked between us to head to the car Curtis was waiting

I looked at Alexis "I didn't hurt you mm?" I raised an eyebrow

She shook her head "no I'm fine I liked it" she winked walking ahead "just don't let Darcy catch you or you'll be in time out" she teased giggling

I rolled my eyes and get in the car behind her Curtis already had Darcy buckled "Hey Curtis!" Alexis greeted as he held the door open

"Evening Mrs.Valentine" he smiled

I had told him we were engaged the moment I saw him and told him to call Alexis Mrs.Valentine I was adamant about that and Alexis told me I was too much like a little boy with a new toy for anyone to say anything

In her exact words 'No one would crush my little spirit'

"do I have to do this shoot? C-cause my hair is greasy and like-"

"It's not I washed your hair last night" she cut me off

I puffed out my lips "well I've got this pimple and it's-"

"Concealer, editing, lighting all fix that" she looked at me "anything else to complain about?" Her bitch face was setting in

"Uhhh... my stomach hurts...?" I murmured

"Poor Baby you'll live" she cooed then face forward I crossed my arms "you've got to stop pouting you're being a bad influence on Darcy" she told me in my ear so Darcy didn't hear

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