!Bonus Chapter!

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A/N:This is going to be farther into the future about 10 years from the last chapter
Who is going to take over the company?
Darcy? Michael? Lydia? Maybe even Jared or Anne?
Take a guess now Lovelies  please comment your guess I wanna know who you think :)

3rd person pov

"I can't believe this day has come I mean it's amazing but surreal" Harry spoke as he pinched his lip

"I know Harry but it's a good thing" Alexis walked over holding a black coffee for him she sat in his lap he rubbed her thigh

"I know I just... I hope I don't spark a feud I want everyone happy"

"Not my babies they know what family is" Alexis leaned on him petting his hair

"Mm you are the best Vice President I've ever had" he chuckled

"Just Vice President? I think I have better standing and a super pretty ring came with it" she held up her hand making it shine in the lights of the meeting room

"Couldn't agree more" he nuzzled himself into her neck

The door opened and in came Darcy, Michael, and Lydia they closed the door and sat at the table

"Hey my babies!" Alexis greeted

"Hey mum" they all said in almost perfect unison

"Baby it's a business meeting" Harry slightly scolded

"Oh shit you right" she sat up straighter in his lap "hello Styles children"

Harry sighed "so we all understand what today is right? Why we are here?"

"The family business" Mike answered

Harry looked at each of them "Darcy my beautiful girl you're 23"

"Hey daddy sorry I didn't get to change after work" she was still in her ballerinas outfit she's a dance teacher

"You're fine" Harry hummed "Michael you're 18 and an absolutely brilliant man"

"Thank you dad"

Harry looked to the last of his children at the table "Lydia my strong independent daughter also 18"

"Yes" she nodded

"You 3 are my first children Darcy my first and the twins first from your mother" he sighed "I'm not doing this to start any ill will I want that clear you all have your own skills Darcy has dance, Michael and Lydia have very high academics with various certifications and not just you but Jared too he's very good with Maths Anne is already a publish poet all very promising so if none of you want the business Jared and Anne will have a chance"

He finished his speech and looked at Darcy "you're the oldest cupcake what do you think?"

"Well..." she shook her head "I don't think I could if I'm honest I'm not businessy I'm not very stubborn or strong willed this is all cut throat plus... I think I want my own dance studio"

Harry nodded "I appreciate your honesty pumpkin I think you'd do well with a dance studio the magazine will promote you if and when you do so"

He looked at Mike "son?"

Michael sat up and rolled his jaw "this is all very lucrative and a very serious competitive business I understand what this takes" he referred to the day he'd mirrored his father which they all had done "while I could handle it I think I would rather be in the medical field I aspire to be a doctor I'm thinking emergency room" he smiled to try and be friendly "I think I'd like to follow mum"s footsteps"

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