53{Dirty Boys}

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3rd person pov

Everyone was in the sofa watching a Disney movie Darcy picked out

Niall was on the left arm rest Alexis had her feet in his lap which he had been rubbing and massaging the whole time and she was leaned on Harry and Harry had Darcy on the right of him

Alexis's phone rang she leaned up but it was obvious she couldn't reach it Niall laughed and grabbed it for her massaging her feet after handing it to her

She answered it Hannah was on the other end

"Darcy cupcake you wanna go sleep over with Daisy?" Alexis asked, Harry and Niall were going out tonight anyway so why not let her have fun

"ohhhh yeah!" She got on her knees bouncing

"Yeah Hannah she'd love too" Alexis answered she said to bring her over around 7:30 it was 7 now

She hung up and looked at Harry "can you walk her over?"

"Yeah Baby girl lets finish the movie" when it ended it was 7:29 so he walked her out and to Daisy

"Do you want anything? I'm going to the kitchen" Niall stood pointing

"Yeah actually I'm coming with I want ice cream" they walked together Alexis got out a bowl and the tub scooping a pretty large amount

"Mm that's a lot if I feed you a bite you gunna eat it?"

"Fuck yeah ya know I will" she laughed and nodded Alexis started eating

She held the spoon to him he slurped the ice cream off the spoon

"Ewww" she giggled

He rolled his eyes and popped a chip in his mouth "as if who doesn't want these lips?" He puckered

"Well not me for one" I raised my spoon laughing

"That's cause your with my best mate but if you were single you'd be all over this" he wiggled his body and she laughed harder

After the boys both left Alexis sat at her vanity and reorganized that killed an hour, then she went Darcy's room and cleaned up that killed another hour, she started making brownies that killed 2 hours she let them cool and decided a soak sounded really good

She walked back to the room undressing turning on the hot water and jets she put her hair up in a bun and smiled stepping in

She sunk down till the water was at her collar bones and the top of her bump came out of the water she laughed and traces shapes on the exposed skin they'd be here soon

She swooned at the thought of them in my arms "you're both gunna be so so perfect" she cooed "my little boy and little girl" she walked her fingers over her bump giggling

"You're my Baby girl" Alexis jumped and sat up covering her chest snapping her head to the doorway

Harry was smirking he walked closer "let me get in there" he stripped down quickly and stepped in he nearly sat on her he was drunk and kinda didn't have the best coordination at the moment he leaned on her full force he started just randomly kissing her chest and neck

She smiled even though he was drunk she still thought he was sloppy cute "gimme kiss" she mumbled

He leaned up and kissed her

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