Legend of the Flying Wig

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Kale had stayed in Capsule Corporation with Cabba that night. Cabba's designated room was humongous and so a second bed was moved into the room for Kale. ("Until you two get more comfortable with each other," Bulma had said with a wink, either oblivious to their blushing or not caring at all about it).

The two saiyans had been unable to sleep that night and opted to talk instead. Their conversations primarily contained talk about Capsule Corp.'s party yesterday. They had really gotten to know the other Z Senshi warriors a little more; even Kale had opened up to Muten Roshi (completely unaware that he had been eyeing her chest the whole time). After leaving the old man by himself to get a drink of water, she had returned only to find him in a comical heap on the ground, Cabba standing nearby with a vein throbbing on his forehead, having realized the Turtle Hermit's perverted intentions. Though Kale had been a bit upset at first, she soon got over it when Cababa's act of chivalry truly registered in her brain. In the end, she had ended up sticking to Cabba and Caulifla.

Kale yawned and shuffled to the bathroom, closing the door. Today was the day. It was something that Kale dreaded but, at the same time, could barely contain her excitement for. It was their date: Kale and Cabba's date. Well it wouldn't really be a date; more like just friends hanging out, especially since both Cabba and Kale had agreed that Caulifla should tag along with them and invited Caulifla to join them at Bulma's party. The other saiyan had gladly accepted, though Kale suspected that she wanted to keep an eye on Cabba so he wouldn't try anything. Truthfully, Kale appreciated that, but she couldn't help but feel indignant on Cabba's behalf.

In the bedroom, Cabba was just awakening after a long night talking with Kale. He sat up in his bed and stretched, his muscles still sore from yesterday's 'friendly' spar with Caulifla. She can sure punch, that's a given, Cabba privately grumbled as he got out of bed. Noticing that Kale was out of her bed and hearing the bathroom tap running, he decided to leave Kale to her own devices, checking his drawer for the cash to pass time. He had enough in that single wad to buy over five hundred expensive, top-of-the-market jetcopters. It was more than enough to simply buy a few outfits and food.

"Kale, are you nearly done?" Cabba called as he took the appropriate amount of zeni from the drawer. He tucked the money into a wallet that Bulma had given him when he first arrived. The rest of the money had to be kept in the drawer as the wad was simply far too fat to fit into any wallet. Capsules could have done it, but it was simply unconventional; the money would fly out everywhere every time it was released.

"Not yet," Kale replied, her voice hardly carrying over the rush of the shower water. "Give me a minute."

As he waited for her, he decided to check out what was available in the closet. He eyed some of the flashier outfits distastefully, not wanting anything that would attract any unwanted attention. No, no... no... Is this shirt supposed to be reminiscent of the 'disco' Bulma talked about? He opened one closet after the other but couldn't really find anything that suited him. Of course, he had his armor, but he had just gone through the process of deciding not to attract unwanted attention.

Cabba sighed. Even back on Sadala, Cabba always had trouble fitting in. He was short and small, taller than the average female but definitely shorter than the average male. For that, he had gotten much flack from it, especially from his commandant at the Sadala Defence Forces bootcamp.

"I'm done," Kale's voice reached his ears and she came out wearing a simple white blouse with a skirt.

Quickly, Cabba snatched up a plain tee and shorts and made his way to the bathroom. I hope she doesn't think of me as an indecisive person...

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