Cold son, stiff canary

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"Uwaah!" River blurted out unhelpfully, his eyes sparkling with curiosity. "Another saiyan!"

Chaya whipped her head around and snarled at the older male. "Enough! He is not your friend, River, so do not treat him as such!"

"Aw, hey, I was doing no such thing, Chay — "

Archer blinked at the new saiyan, scratching his head. "Well, this is certainly unorthodox. Though I can't say I'm surprised if he really is saiyan." He probed at Goku's power level, his ears, pointed at the tip as were all the others' (save for Chaya's), twitching. "All saiyans always wander into the kitchen sooner or later. It's practically fact at this point."

"I'm Goku," said the male saiyan. "Since you asked." His stomach growled, making all of them sweatdrop. "Say... you guys have any grub I could eat?" He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "I haven't eaten in ages!"

"As if one saiyan wasn't enough," Gammy snorted, no real ire in her voice. "Looks like you've got some competition, Chaya."

"And we have more chow to make," Archer grumbled, letting Harper rub soothing circles on his knotted back. "As if we haven't already got enough mouths to feed with this one here." He jutted his thumb at Chaya, who scoffed and began to scarf down her meal as if to make a point. "See what I mean?"

"Stop treating him like he's one of your buddies, Archer," Chaya said through a mouthful of stew. "This guy has a motive and it's dangerous."

Goku blinked. "Wow, you're good."

"See? He even admits it!" Though I'm not entirely sure just what his motive is... To usurp Kafara's throne? ... He can't be that much of an idiot, can he?

At that moment, Goku sat down opposite her on the wooden table and pointed at her food. "What's what you've got there? I kinda recognize the smell."

... I withdraw my previous statement. "Seluin stew," Chaya said shortly. "It's a saiyan delicacy." Hey, wait a minute... "How do you not know? Aren't you a saiyan too?"

"Haha, funny story... let's just say I haven't been back home for a long time."

Chaya narrowed his eyes at him but accepted his words anyway. If he was lying, she'd find out sooner or later. It seemed like Lady Fate was in a mischievous mood. There was no doubt she'd have more run-ins with this irritatingly cheerful excuse of a saiyan.

"Here you go," said Gammy, setting down a bowl of the same stew Chaya was eating in front of Goku. "Eat hearty!"

"Gee, thanks!" In a flash, the entire contents of the bowl were inside his stomach. "Can I have seconds, please?"

Gammy stared at him, sweatdropping. "Uh, sure, sugar cube. Why don't you try eating a little slower next time?"

Chaya cut in. "Word of advice, Gammy, never tell a hungry male saiyan to slow down in his eating. Or else he'll eat you."

"Duly noted. Though I doubt that this saiyan would want to eat something as old and chewy as me. He'd end up having all his teeth eroded!"

Emmett gave a brief peck on his wife's cheek as she bustled to the corner of the kitchen to ladle in more stew into Goku's bowl. As she did, River began to drown the saiyan with a flood of questions.

"So are you really a saiyan? What does Sadala look like? Are there aliens living there?! I heard the saiyans like to keep lesser races as slaves!"

Those were just a few of his questions and Goku's head was already spinning. "Slow down! Yeesh, you're not giving me any time to answer."

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