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The next morning, they were awoke by a screech from none other than Princess Zelda. The two jumped out of bed, rushing down the stairs with their weapons in hand. They stopped abruptly at the bottom of the stairs, rubbing their eyes sleepily as they looked. The princess was in no direct danger, and so they wondered what she was yelling about. She looked over at them. "Oh, did I wake you both? I'm sorry, I was just startled by this scary-looking spider..."

Link and Emery shared a glance between each other. Zelda noticed. There was nothing but love in their eyes all the time. Only, love they didn't know they shared. Zelda had been watching over them this whole time to know just how stupid they were being. It was completely obvious how the other felt, and yet they still thought the feeling wasn't mutual. It was in every one of Zelda's plans to bring them together. They belonged that way, it was completely evident to her and everyone else. When the ancient words of her ancestors said the two were one, it meant in more ways than just the shared Triforce.

"Anywho," She continued. "I suppose today we'll make our way to Zora Domain. We must give the King closure and find a new champion to pilot Divine Beast Vah Ruta. The dangers should be minimal with the evil of the world being cast away so recently. I say it will bring for a smooth travel."

Link and Emery headed upstairs silently as Zelda watched. They were still exhausted from their fight with Ganon yesterday, and that was to be expected. Still, Zelda dragged them along. A hero never rests, as his- or her- duty is never fulfilled. She took a seat on the couch once again, waiting for them.

Emery pulled off her clothes, too tired to even think about how she completely exposed herself to Link. Her back was turned away from him, so she would never notice. He looked at her body, as he couldn't help but admire how gorgeous she was. It was on the curvier side, but he couldn't imagine it any other way. Her hips stuck out from her smaller stomach, and she was as beautiful as a Silent Princess. He knew that was Zelda's flower, but Emery deserved her own, too. He turned around to respect her privacy, even if he could stare at her all day long.

She continued downstairs, her hair pulled into a tight ponytail since the night before. He'd never seen her with straight hair, at least not down her back. He watched as she pulled the tie out of her hair, letting it fall perfectly. It sat, shining amongst the rays of light from the window above them. He frowned slightly as she placed her hood atop her head.

They all three filed out of the home, where Emery wished she had her own horse. She'd lent her other horse to Zelda for now, as she couldn't stand the thought of her riding with Link. It seemed it wasn't a very suitable horse for her, so soon they'd have to get their own. At least Link didn't have to worry about it, he was lucky to have such a legendary horse. Just on cue, Zelda spoke. "You know, maybe today Emery and I should look into getting a horse we connect with. That's important in choosing a horse."

"I'm sure Emery doesn't mind riding Epona, right? They seem to get along well." Link shrugged.

"Well, I'm sure it would make things easier for all of us. Besides, I'm in need of a horse I connect with. You know how I am." She explained.

"Right..." Link mumbled, continuing on slowly until they found a bunch of horses, all with no home. Emery and Zelda hopped off their horses, leaving Link alone. They approached them all, looking for one they just knew had to be theirs. Emery was still devastated about Charlie. Hopefully he was okay somewhere, having the time of his free life.

Bringing her out of her thoughts, she looked over to see Zelda climbing onto a solid white horse. It looked like the one she was said to have ridden before. She'd obviously found her horse, but it was taking Emery a bit longer. She turned around, and there stood a dashing solid black horse. It was sleek as it stood, basking in the warm sun. She approached it, sticking her hand out to it. The horse sniffed her hand, then gladly licked it. She climbed on top, and he let her. She pet him soothingly, and he obeyed her seemingly automatically. Just as it was with Link and Zelda's horses. She knew she'd found the one for her.

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