Chapter 6~You're Grounded

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I spent a couple of hours watching Game Of Thrones with Hayden until my mother basically kicked him out of the house. Lisa looked at me with a really serious look on her face while I was trying to work on a presentation about the creation of The Solar System.
"Aren't you going to say anything?" My mother said with that tone that she loved to use.
"Are you going to let me finish this presentation today?" I answered in the same diva tone as a way of laughing at my mother. I glance at her and I could see her with the face all red because of how angry she was. This made me giggle a bit, causing even more anger on her. But seriously, I just couldn't stand my own mother.
"What are you laughing at, Beth? Do you think this is funny? First you break your father's guitar, then you sneak out of house in the middle of the night, today I got a call from the principal office saying that you weren't at school" She angrily listed the things I should be grounded for. I already knew how this conversation was going to end so I didn't see the point in answering. My mother, who was just standing in the door of my room, while I was laying in my bed, got close to my bed. "Are you going to answer? Are you deaf now Bethany?" She practically yelled at me. "Now I come home and find you making out with Jack's son. Do you think that's normal?" She kept yelling. At that point, I was angry at my mother and at myself too because I was leaving her go too far with this.
"First of all" I answered. "We were not making out but what if we were? Would it be wrong because Jack is not as smart or sophisticated as your dear Alex which you treat more like a trophy that your husband?" My mother opened her mouth wide. She wanted to answer back but I lifted my index finger, making a sign for her to shut up and listen. "Then, Alex is not my father. I mean, maybe you had sex with him enough times to get pregnant of his baby to brag about it during all your life, plan that failed because you're not even proud of me, but a father is supposed to be there when you need him, right? Where is Alex? Where is my father? At another show, one more night, in the other side of this planet, probably doing another girl" I looked down. I felt this way but maybe it was too much for my mom.
"Bethany, you're grounded. I don't want you to be around Hayden in at least two months and you can't go out of home if it is not strictly necessary" My mom said as she walked out of my room.
Did she really forbid me from seeing Hayden? Hayden Barakat? Jack's son? The son of the guy who's supposed to be one of her best friends?
"Mom!" I angrily answered.
"You wanted it Beth" She said from downstairs.
Great, I couldn't go out of house if I wasn't going only to school.

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