Chapter 17~I Want You Out

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I still can't remember how we ended up sitting down in the couch. I was in the middle of Liam and Hayden as I had the feeling that they didn't like each other. Both of them were looking down and in complete silence.

"Are you going to talk?" I finally asked after what it felt like an hour. I had called in sick to work so I had all the day to solve this problem but I was anxious to know how they knew each other. Liam had a horrible evil grin on his face that I had never seen before and I hoped I never got to see again. Hayden looked like a young puppy who had just seen his another dog who had bitten him before.

They both sighed and finally Liam talked. "We had a business together"

"What kind of business" I looked at Liam and he lifted his head. We both looked into each other's eyes and I could tell that Liam was looking for the most convincing lie inside his head.

"Music related business" Hayden said. Liam and I turned to look at him.

"Uh yeah, whatever he says" Liam just added. They were both terrible liars.

"You two, I'm not stupid" I sighed, lean back on the couch and closed my eyes. I felt like they were both looking at me but I didn't open my eyes yet. "I know Hayden was into something with drugs. Is this anything related to that?"

"No" They both answered at the same time. I then opened my eyes and took a first look to Liam and then to Hayden. His new look made him look hotter that he was before. Maybe I was into tattooed guys since I met Liam.

"Look Beth" Hayden said while taking both of my hands into his. This caused Liam to take a deep breath and look to Hayden as if he was going to kill him instantly but Hayden didn't move. "Don't trust this guy. He wasn't at your favorite book shop, holding your favorite book just because" I opened my eyes. I whispered that before but not loud enough for him to hear. "He told me. Don't trust him, he might hurt you, he is not who you think he is"

"Enough bullshit for today" Liam roughly said. His voice was sharp and deeper than usual. He stood up. "Get out of my apartment before I have to kick you out" Hayden did as Liam said, he stood up but he stayed in the same place.

"I'm not leaving until you tell her the truth" Hayden said.

"Liam" I stood up as well. Liam looked at me and his muscles relaxed, as well has his face. I took carefully took his face with my hands and rubbed his cheeks. "What is Hayden talking about?" I asked calmly.

I trusted Hayden. I trusted him more than I trusted Liam. I barely knew Liam and Hayden had been my best friend since I learned how to talk. If Hayden said that my boyfriend could hurt me, I believed him.

Liam sighed, rested his forehead on mine and closed his eyes. I did the same things. "It's nothing, he's a liar. He has hurt you before and I haven't" He put his arms around me and held me closer. I heard Hayden cough uncomfortable but Liam didn't care. "I'm not going to hurt you. He's all lies" Liam whispered. I had fallen so hard for Liam that his accent, his deep voice and his sweet tone was enough to convince me but somewhere deep inside my mind, a younger Beth was still screaming to get away from him.

"Beth" Then I heard Hayden. Liam lifted his head to look at him and gave him a look full of anger. I turned around with Liam's arms still around me. "I know I did you wrong. I shouldn't have left. It was all his fault" He pointed at Liam. "He is in the drug gang, he forced me to rape you, he threatened me about hurting you if I didn't do as he said... It was all his fault"

And then Liam run to him and pushed him against the wall and started punching Hayden.

"Liam! Liam!" I was screaming my lungs out, I didn't know what else to do. "Oh my God Liam stop. You're hurting him, stop!" But my boyfriend didn't stop. I decided to jump on his back to stop him but it was the worst decision I made that day.

Liam kept on punching Hayden and tried to get me of his back until he hit me and I fell to the floor. When he realized what he had just done, he stopped punching Hayden and run to me. I was in the floor, covering my nose (which was probably bleeding) and with tears filling my eyes.

"Oh babe I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you" Liam said. His eyes were starting to fill with tears as well and he tried to touch my face to get my fringe off my forehead but I stepped back, scared of him. "No, come on I didn't mean to do it. I didn't want to hurt you" His voice was now so low that I could barely hear him and we had both started to cry. Hayden was laying down on the floor, still alive but bleeding.

"Call an ambulance. I want you out" I manage to say with my voice cracked.

Liam called and ambulance but he didn't leave. He took a towel and wet it. Then he sat down in front of me and tried to wash my  face, full of blood, with it but I kept on avoiding him. I was shaking in fear. I had never seen him that way. He couldn't stop punching Hayden, he didn't listen to me and he was shaking in anger. Hayden told me that he was going to hurt me but I didn't think he meant physically hurt me.

When the ambulance arrived, they took Hayden and me to the hospital and the last thing I remembered, was seeing Liam standing at the door of the apartment, crying his eyes out while the police were waiting to arrest him.

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