Chapter 15~Liam

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Beth's POV

I quickly finished my coffee, grabbed my leather jacket and ran out of the apartment. I was late to work, as always, but at least I was not high like last time.

Even though Hayden and I had broken up about half a year ago, everything still reminded me of him. Every single corner of the street, every smiling couple and just... Everything. How much does a heart take to heal?

Although I was late, I got into an old book shop which I usually visited whenever I was feeling low. I said hi to Garret, the owner of that magical place, and walked deeper into the shop. When I got to the section where my favorite books were at, I froze. There was a young boy, about my age, reading a book. His arms were fully covered with tattoos and he had a small grin on his face as he read. I stared at him for a while until I realized I probably looked like a weirdo so I played a bit with the gray beenie I was wearing and gasped. He quickly lifted his head and looked at me. He had beautiful blue eyes and brown hair.

"Uh sorry I was... I wanted to get a book of that bookshelf" I pointed to the one he was in front of while I looked to his eyes. He was cute, he was really cute.

"Oh uh, sorry" He smiled softly and moved backwards so I was able to get a book. He was British, at least his accent was.
I whispered thank you so softly that I'm sure he wasn't even able to hear it. I then looked at the book he was holding.

"Pride and prejudice" I said while I looking at the books of the shelf. "It's a good book, I've read it at least five times" I could hear the boy chuckle a bit.

"Yeah it's really good. It's definitely one of my favorites, Jane Austen knew how to write" I nooded a bit until I found the book I was looking for, Wuthering Heights. It was placed in the upper part of the shelf so I tried to get it by jumping. When the boy saw I couldn't reach it, he took it and gave it to me. "Wuthering Heights is also a great book, another one of my favorites" He handed me the book with a sweet smile. "I'm Liam"

"I'm Beth" I took the book and tried not to blush because Liam honestly was more than hot, he liked to read and he had the best smile I had ever seen. "Well, I'm kind of late to work so I'm taking this book with me and..." I stared at him, he still had that smile on his face which left me speechless. "I guess I'll come back some time"

We both said bye to each other, I payed for the book and run to work. After an hour speech of my boss about how I was late everyday and also high half of the time, I started working. I was a waitress in a bar, nothing too glamorous.

The next few days were the same: running to work, seeing Liam, running again to work, getting home and falling asleep in my couch while reading. I loved reading, it can make you travel to some fictional places and make you forget about your reality at least for a few minutes.

One day at work, I saw him sit by the window, reading another book.

"Hey Liam" I said with a big smile. He made me happy, he was different. He had all those tattoos and piercings (he had two, one on his nose and one on his lip) but then, you saw him sit in the restaurant I worked at, either smiling at the book or with an angry face because of the situation some fictional characters were going through.

He lifted his head, smiled back at me and closed the book. "I think you're stalking me, should I call the police?" He said as a joke.

"You know? You probably should" We both laughed. "What are you going to have?" I politely asked.

"Uh..." He looked through the menu with the same face he used to have while reading a book. "I'll have a... Regular black coffee and..."

"You should try the chocolate cake. Nancy, the cook, made it this morning and the whole place smelt like dark chocolate" I offered.

"Okay, I'll have that then" I wrote down his orden and just when I was about to leave, he held my wrist and made me turn around. "When does your shift ends?" He asked.

I nervously looked at the big clock the bar used to have hanging in a wall. "In about half an hour" I replied.

"May I take you somewhere when you're free to go?" He smiled at me.

"Are you asking me out?" He nooded a bit. "As in a... Date?" He nooded again. I thought I was going to faint. I swear he was the hottest guy in all the United States and he was asking me on a date. Me, Bethany Amelia Gaskarth. "I.. Well..." I saw my chief looking at me as I had been talking to Liam more that I should have. "Yes" I smiled.

I was nervous as I changed my clothes in the bar's bathroom. Liam was still there although he had finished his coffee and his cake a while ago.

The date was lovely. It was all I could have ever asked for. He took me to a nice park in the middle of the city. We both sat down, my back resting on his chest and he played with my hair while he read out loud Pride and prejudice. His accent made him more... Exotic, more cute if that was even possible. What was a good looking British guy doing in Boston? We stayed like that for two hours although it felt like time was not going by. He then took me home, I asked him to stay for dinner and he kindly said yes so we ordered pizza and talked about our lives. I had a feeling that he was hiding something, just like I did. I didn't mention Hayden, my addiction to heroin or my father being Alex Gaskarth. He told me how he grew up on a small village somewhere near Manchester. His parents got divorced when he was nine and he stayed in Manchester with his mom until he was eighteen and he came to Boston to live with his dad. When he left, I layed down in my bed and couldn't stop smiling. I was sure I was falling for him but I didn't mind, the house smelt like him (a weird combination of cigarettes and grass that smelt really nice), my clothes smell like him and I couldn't get him out of my head but somewhere, deep inside my head, Hayden's voice was still haunting me.

Lost In Stereo (Discontinued) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora