Chapter 18~British Boys/American Girls

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Meanwhile in LA. Alex's POV
I left Baltimore a few months ago and I moved back to LA to be closer to the studio All Time Low usually recorded at. Baltimore also held a lot of memories. Some of them where good but some memories where the reason why I was stuck in misery so I left my hometown. I had no hope of seeing her again until we saw each other at the park.

After texting each other for a few weeks, we decided to meet at an Starbucks which was close to the city center. I was wearing a black hoodie, blue ripped jeans and black converse. I also had a black beanie on. I was holding a cup of white mocca in between my hands to warm them up a bit as it was still winter. Then, she came in and my heart stopped when I saw her.

She was wearing black skinny jeans and a really nice blue sweater. She ordered her coffee and then looked around until she found me and walked happily towards me.

"Hi!" She greeted me happily. Then she sat down in front of me and I smiled at her. "Oh God sorry I'm late, traffic was horrible and Maisie is not having a good day"

"Maisie? Is she the little girl that was with Alice at the park?" I thought.

Then she answered my question as if she could read my mind. "Maisie is my daughter. She's five" I nodded, waiting for her to say more as she did. "I had a thing with a boy who is going to remain anonymous and it felt serious enough to have kids. You know, we dated for at least 3 years and I really thought we were kind of 'forever?'" She took the cup of her coffee off and added some sugar. "I guess love can't last forever, uh?" She rose an eyebrow and look at me.

"Uh-eh" I was shocked by her confession. Out of all the girls I knew, I wouldn't have thought that Alice would be the one with a kid and no father of that kid around. "Well, I guess so" I answered briefly.

Alice then smiled at me "I'm sorry, I'm a bit too extra sometimes. Maybe I said too much in two minutes" She laugh and I did the same. I missed hearing that sweet smile.

"Yeah well I remember that you were too extra sometimes, I wasn't scared. Is... Do you have a...?" I couldn't find the right words to ask what I wanted.

"If you want to know if I have a boyfriend or if Maisie's father is around the answer is hell no" She took a sip of her coffee. "He left as soon as he found out that I was pregnant. The douche got married three months after leaving me" She then made a messy bun so that her long hair didn't bother her.

"Ouch, I feel like those guys can't really be considered humans" She cracked a grin at this comment. "I'm glad you have managed to take care of your kid by yourself. When Beth was little I had Lisa to help and thanks God cause I would have been the worst father every otherwise" We both laughed.

"How's Beth?" Alice asked. She took another sip of her coffee and some of the liquid remained on her lips so she licked them to clean them up. My eyes accidentally looked at her lips during that whole process. When I noticed I gasped.

"She's fine. She's living in Boston, she told me she's living with her boyfriend. Apparently his British, he likes to read classic novels, she says that he cooks as good as Gordon Ramsay and his name is Liam" I raise my shoulders. "Guess he's a good guy"

Alice nooded slowly. "Yeah he seems nice. You know, British boys coming over to the US to get American girls" She said as a reference to me and that made me laugh again and we both took a sip of our coffees.

The nice chatter kept on for two hours. When we got out of the Starbucks we decided to go for a walk as we didn't want to leave. While we were waking, she slowly held my hand and I decided to let her and give her a soft smile. She then rested her head on my arm as we walked.

"I missed you" She said and my heart skipped a beat. "Life has been a wreck since we split up and sometimes I just wanted to text you and make sure you were okay"

"I would have answered. You know I told you that no matter what, you could call me at whatever hour and I would pick it up and cheer you up without a doubt" I honestly said. "I know I shouldn't have left. I regret it. Lisa was just... She was a safe play and you know..."

"I get it" Alice answers. "It's okay really, I get it. I let you go, I didn't fight for you to stay anyways. I took for granted that you would come back and you didn't"

"Well, I'm back now. After several years but at least I'm back" She lifted her head to look at me and I looked at her eyes.

"I was afraid that having Maisie would scare you off" She honestly said.

"I also have a daughter and although she's grown up and not leaving with me, she is a mess if I'm honest. She obviously doesn't tell me everything about her new life in Boston but I'm her father, I just know it"

We both stop walking and face each other, holding hands.

"I want to stay if you allow me" I said really low.

"I want you to stay with me forever but... I loved you Alex and we had a terrible ending so I just need time, okay?" I nooded softly.

"Whatever you need, Al" I used to call her Al back when we dated. I leaned to her and just when we were about to kiss, my phone started ringing.

I made a sign with my hand for Alice to hold up as it was Beth's number and she wouldn't call me if it wasn't urgent.

"Bethany, sweetheart?" I answered softly.

"Uh, I'm Liam" A deep voice with a strong British accent answered me.

"Uh... Is.. Is everything okay?" I frowned, now seriously worried.

"Definately no, sir. Beth was taken to the hospital as well as Hayden" Liam said.

I was speechless, I didn't know what to say. I was not only worried for my daughter but also for Jack's son.

"Are they... Are they okay? Is it bad?" I received no answer. Liam had ended the call.

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