Chapter 20~You're Hurting Me

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Alice's POV

Silence. Everything was silent. I was sure Liam was talking because I could see him move his mouth. I was not instantly deaf. My mind had decided to turn off my capacity of hearing just because. Liam was walking around, talking to a deaf me and moving his arms as if he was crazy. I'm going to take a guess and say that he was apologizing, at Liam's way of doing so. I heard a clear "beep" all the time and it wouldn't go. It wouldn't let me hear the things Liam said and it was so sharp that it was causing me a headache.

"You don't need to hear his apologies anyways. He beat the shit out of Hayden and he is a drug dealer" My mind said.

"Well you know, just give him a chance to at least say sorry and explain himself" I answered to myself.

"Oh God, you're really that stupid"

"I mean, I'm standing here as an idiot, not hearing him and not moving because of you. Let me hear him, it's your fault after all that I'm still feeling something for him" Thanks God Liam was not listening to this conversation.

"Uh, I'm pretty sure the feeling thing is thanks to your heart, not me but thank you. Listen, if you want to hear the bullshit he says, just talk"

"Liam" I then whispered softly. My vision became blurry for a few seconds but my ears stopped beeping.

"So basically it was his fault because he didn't follow the instructions we told him to" Liam was still walking in circles around me. His words came out his mouth fast and probably without a clear plan. "I mean, everything was fine until he came to see you" He stopped to look at me. "The thing is, I was following you around to make sure Hayden followed our orders and you didn't get much information about us. When I saw you, I was breathless" He hold my hands and looked me in the eyes. "I really liked you so I tried to remember the small things Hayden mentioned about you. Your favourite bookshop, your favourite book, your place of work. Shit, I even remembered the park you love and I hadn't done that with any other girl before" He stopped holding my hands and continued walking in circles around me. "But your stupid teenage love doesn't understand what being in an important deal means and he fucked up and then he had the guts to show up in your front door" He stopped walking and looked at me. He was expecting me to say something.

"Didn't you get arrested? The police was at mines when they took me to the hospital" I said with a low voice tone. He lifted his eyebrows, clearly not expecting my answer. He then crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"I did get arrested. Nothing that a strong British accent can't handle. If they don't understand a single thing of what you say, they let you go" He shrugged. He walked towards me and lifted my chin. His eyes were fearless, as they had always been. "I'm sorry, okay? Things were not supposed to end up as they did. I didn't want to get you in any kind of trouble"

I nooded and just stared at him, not sure of what to do or say next. "It's fine, really" I assured.

No matter what I said, Liam would find a way to turn it against Hayden or me so I didn't make an effort to ask anything else about him or the band both guys were in.

"And now what?" I asked still in a low tone.

"What do you mean?" Liam looked pretty confussed. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at him.

"Did you like... Wanted to pretend that none of this has happened?" I asked him. He opened his mouth but no words came out. That was enough for me to understand that he was thinking about forgetting this. "Liam" I sighed. "I can't continue with this. I'm getting in trouble because of your damn drug dealing thing and I don't want this to happen again" I looked down. I really did mean what I said.

"Love" Liam lifted my chin once again and looked into my eyes. "I'm tired of this but it's the only thing I have. Everything is suppossed to be okay as long as Hayden stays away from you"

I shook my head and sighed. "Liam, he's my best friend. Or at least he was until he met you" I whispered that last sentence. "I want him around" I honestly confessed.

"What?" Liam said both shocked and hurt. "That guy has some serious problems, you don't need someone like him around, my darling"

"I don't need someone like that around me but I want Hayden back" Liam sighed and looked away. 

"I don't..." He looked back at me. "Then I'm guessing we're over" I lifted my eyebrows surprised.

"What?" Liam shrugged.

"I'm not going to stay if he comes into your life again. I hate his guts and he hates mines" I didn't know what to say.

Hayden had been my best friend when growing up. I hadn't seen him in a long time and we both had changed for sure but I missed him. I missed being myself around him and laughing in my apartment because of the silly things he did or said. On the other hand, Liam had been my world during the previous months. My world spun around him and I loved him. I loved waking up to his messy hair and hearing him calling me love constantly. I loved how Liam always had something to say and some new and interesting fact to share about anything. I was a mess.

Then, I got a text from my dad. "Are you okay?"  

I then realized that I had been out more than I told him as I was meant to be peeing.

"Look Liam, I don't have time for this right now, okay? Come over to mine tonight and we'll talk" I turned around and started walking until I felt his hand, holding my wrist tight.

"No. I don't want to talk later. It should be simple. It's either me or him" His voice was emotionless. If anything, I could feel rage in his tone. His hand held my wrist tighter. I had my back towards him and didn't turn around.

"Liam, you're hurting me" I softly said. He didn't let go. "Liam please, let me go. My dad is asking for me and maybe you should take some time to think" I heard him chuckle.

"You're not going anywhere until you give me an answer" At that moment, I was scared of him. That was not the Liam I knew and I feared for myself.

"Liam" A tear escaped from my eye and fell down my cheek. "Please" 

I started crying harder and when Liam noticed, he let go of my hand. He was still visibly annoyed. I started walking fast towards the end of the hallway to the exit.

"We're done here then" He said loudly. "Have fun with Hayden before we beat him up"

I ran as fast as I could as I feared for my life until I bumped into someone. I looked up and saw my father so I immediately held him tight.

"Hey love" My dad hugged me back. "Are you okay? I was going to search for you" He held me by my shoulders and made me take a few steps back so he could see my face. "Have you been crying?" I had a few dried tears decorating my red cheeks.

"I was in the bathroom and the door was not opening. I thought I was trapped in there and I was going to die" I lied.

My dad furrowed his eyebrows. "Okay then" He knew I wasn't telling the truth but he let it go. "Hayden is awake"

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