Chapter 4: Fighting and Frighting

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Ella sits in the corner playing with some toys as I punch my punching bag.

Keeping a close Eye on her I let sweat drip down my neck to my shell and continue punching. It helped me focus a little more. Plus I wanted to protect Ella if anything were to happen.

Shaking my hands I bounce up and down on my feet and start to swing at the bag again.

But I pause, listening carefully I look behind my bag to study Ella. She has Abba sitting next to her but she's using her new baby ball for a makeshift punching bag. "Aguuuu!" She gurgles out taking a sloppy swing at it.

Pausing she turns to look at me, seeming to notice that I had stopped.

"Bsshda.." she sputters to me before giggling and clapping her hands. She bounces on her diaper butt and I laugh.

"Your the funniest, cutest and most amazing thing Ella." I chuckle before taking my towel and wiping my face, arms, hands and shell of sweat.

She grins and gurgles something as I approach her.

I pick her up and hand her Abba as she snuggles close to me. "Uh, Angel you don't want to snuggle to daddy, he still stinky." I say to her as we walk to the kitchen.

She doesn't seem to mind though so I don't stop her.

"Alright let's get some food.." I mutter to her as I set her in her highchair. She giggles and claps her hands, gurgling some kind of nonsense as I go and make her a bottle.

When I turn around with her bottle she cheers and holds her hands out for it. "Alright, one bottle for the angel in the room!" I tell her with a smile as I set it in front of her. She picks it up gratefully and starts eating right away.

Smiling I grab an apple and sit next to her. We eat in silence until she sets her bottle down and hold her hands out to me for her to pick her up. "Man you eat fast.." I mumble to her inbetween chewing the rest of my apple. I toss the core into the trash, and pick her up carrying her with me to the living room and setting her in her play pen.

"Mikey!" I yell.

Mikey timidly looks at me as he pokes his head around the corner and pulls one earbuds out of his ear, "Yes?" He questions with a sqeak in his voice. "

"Can you watch Ella while I shower?"

His timid expression quickly turns to a bright smile and he nods his head excitedly as he rushes over to the play pen to play with Ella.

I nod satisfied and turn towards the bathroom to go shower.


Drying the my face on the towel I held I sigh and hang it up as fog from the shower covers the mirror. Wiping it down I stare at my reflection.

A rugged, rough and scarred face looked back at me.

Maybe my brothers were right the night I saved Ella. I am a hothead. Would I get mad at Ella? Would I hurt her like I did to the many walls in the past?

Was she safe with me?

I didn't want to hurt her. I loved her.

But what if I got so angry one day that I ended up hurting her without realizing it?

My fists clench the sink in a tight grip as I look away from my reflection, not wanting to stare at myself any longer.

I'm a danger to Ella.

I've had way to many times in the past where I ended up hurting someone or something when I got clouded by anger.

Ella might befall that.

Raph's Little Angel (Book Two Of TMNT Father Series)Where stories live. Discover now