Chapter 12: Mother of Mutations

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Rubbing my face I sigh as I look at Ella sleeping in my arms. Smiling I kiss her forehead and maneuver myself so I could get out of bed without waking her.

It was currently four am. Way earlier then when I usually wake up.

But Abby needed to tell me something. I didn't know what but we both agreed to meet at four thirty.

Little backstory though, five years ago I had a crush on her but over the years I chickened out of telling her. So we're just friends. My feelings will stay with me and me only.

But seeing as we were meeting so early it must have been really important.

Leaving a note for Ella in case she woke up, I put on a hoodie and head out into the sewers.


Twenty minutes later I got to the roof of Abby's apartment where she said she'd wait.

I was ten minutes early so I'd just have to wait for her seeing as she wasn't there yet.

So I took a seat on the edge of the building watching New York. The Empire State building lit up the sky with an erethral glow and I began to see the city slowly waking up.

"Raph? Your here early..." Abby says sitting on the edge with me. She yawns and I smile.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I ask.

Abby yawns again and pulls out a paper. I carefully read each word and look at her with a smile. "Your going to be a teacher in kindergarten?"

Abby nods excitedly and snatches the paper back. "Yep! Which means I could teach Ella if you'd like!"

I smile, a huge weight lifting off my shoulders, "Of course! I've wanted to put her in school for a while now but I didn't trust anyone. When does the school year start?"

"This fall, August twenty second." Abby states, putting the paper in her pocket.

I think about it, doing the math, "So in two months..." I mutter.

Abby nods and we sit in silence for awhile, looking out at New York and the lights.

It was peaceful, sitting there with someone I cared about ok ut watching a new day begin.

We continued to sit in silence until Abby began to speak, "Also there is one more thing I needed to tell you Raph.." Abby says, turning to me with a nervous look.

I got a little anxious at her tone but nodded for her to continue.

Abby's takes a big breath and chuckles a little, "Raph, I think I Li-"

A loud tone rings through the air as my T-Phone vibrates continuously, signaling I had a call.

I look at my phone and back to Abby. She smiles, "It's ok I'll tell you some other time."

I nod and smile apologetically. She looks back to the city and I pick up my call.

"Yeah?" I say, answering.

"Raph! Oh thank the sewers! I think I did something very bad... oh boy..." Donnie's frantic voice calls over the phone. I instantly perk up with worry.

"What happened Donnie?" I question wanting to know what had my genius brother so worried.

"Just come quick! Please..."

Donnie hangs up and I look at Abby, "I'm sorry my brother needs me, I have to go."

She nods, understanding and shoos me. "Well go on then! We'll talk more later!"

Nooding I stand up and hurriedly jump across the rooftops to get home.


Panting I quickly open the door to Donnie's lab and call out his name, "Don?"

Donnie comes ar pro und the corner quickly and shuts the door to the lab while ushering me inside.

"Don what's going on?" I ask as he paces around, muttering to hinself.

"Just come here.." he mutters, guiding me to a corner of his lab.

We approach his work table and that's when I see it. An egg the size of a dinner plate.

"Hold the manhole cover... Don! What in the mother of mutations did you make?!" I question, panicking myself now.

"The mother of mutations!" Don tells back, both hands on his head.

"Ok, well do you know what's inside?" I ask, calming down a little. We had no time to panic we had to be rational.

"Well I think it's a turtle.." Don says, shakily holding up ultrasound photos from the egg.

I look from them to him, "And how did you make it?"

Donnie nervously taps his fingers together as he laughs nervously. "Well I took some of my blood and a cameleons egg... and mixed it with mutagen..."

"You did what Donnie?!"

"I thought it would create a hybrid of a turtle and cameleon but I think I just created a smaller hybrid of me!"

"Well it seems like it! It's huge!" I exclaim gesturing to the egg frantically.

Dannie fumes, "You don't think I know that?!" He yells back angrily.

I sigh and we take a moment to look at the egg in silence.

"I just don't know what to do Raph..." Donnie says sitting in a chair, his head in his hands.

I soften and put my hand on his shoulder. "We need to tell Splinter, Leo and Mikey. Then we wait. We can prepare for whatevers inside to hatch and when it does, we'll be ready."

Donnie looks at me and to the egg then nods. "Your right.."

"Hey bros! Whatz up!!" Mikey yells slamming the lab door open. Behind him follows Leo, shaking his head.

"We heard yelling, everything ok?" Leo asks yawning.

"Leo can you get Sensei in here? I need to tell you all something important." Donnie asks holding his head in his hands.

Leo notices the serious tone and nods, leaving. Mikey looks confused and walks over quietly.

A minute later Leo and Splinter walk in. Splinter looks concerned but they stand next to Mikey waiting.

Donnie sits up and moves to reveal the egg.

Mikey gasps and Leo stands in shock. "Bro you made a egg? What's inside?" Mikey asks getting up close to the egg and poking it.

Donnie slaps his hand away and replies,  "It's a mixture of my DNA and a cameleons.."

"Donnie please don't tell me you created your own kid." Leo asks studying the egg.

Donnie looks at the egg, "I think I did..."

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